Food motivates me. Food cheers me up. Food strengthens me.
Food sweetens my spirit. Food loves me. Food makes me fat.
Nothing else in the world could ever ever ever make me fat.
Indeed that I have been fattening myself by eating and sleeping right after eating. And nibbling away something here and there. And munching on tiny snacks either for breakfast or tea. My meals are not available at proper time.
Indeed that statement is true - for me. I once heard that when your time for meals is mixed up, you're not having a healthy diet. Kekekeke. Yesh, THIS is what I am facing now. Sekejap 12pm eat lunch. Sekejap 1pm, 2pm.... There was once nearly 3pm only I take my lunch. How how how inconsistent! Well, partially at fault is Mr. Chan. He is the one who brings me out for lunches. And ALL THE TIME, we'll spend 1 hour or more outside. And my lunch time is only 45 minutes. Y HE NO UNDERSTAND MEEEEE? So difficult to make him understand. I gotta give goooood impression to my boss lar. Sigh. Inconsistency in taking my meals. Probably that is what contributing extra pounds to my over-sized body? Sobbing.
And after all these depressing thoughts, I just thought maybe I could get something to motivate me. Something that my babe has! Something that she is passionate about. GUESS! A picture for clue!

What she calls it? It has something to do with Nike and this:

Are those sportsband?
And guess the price of the shoes with this sportsband.
RM700.00M G.
Do you know I could get so many stuffs with RM229, huh? SO MUCH FOOD I can get!!!!! There I go again, FOOD. Food makes the world go round huh? Hahahahaha! Geesh! I have NO MORE nice pair of shoes to wear for running. The previous one is spoilt. Just not for running, perhaps? Poor thing. I tortured it.
*mouse slipped from the desk*
Should I get it?
Should I get it?
Should I get it?
Shoes RM400
Shoes RM400
Shoes RM400
Well, I am unlike me babe who will definitely won't think much to get what she wants. She wants, it means she WILL have it. Hahahahaha! Including her new new new iPhone 4s! How lucky she is for getting one. I tooooooooooooooo poor lar, babe! Really thought of getting one. But need credit card and RM4,000? WOW! Blew me away. I'm satisfied with my Ms. Samsung Galaxy lar. It does so much things that I can ever imagine.
*hugs phone*
So, March 1st - failed.
Moving on to March 2nd and 3rd. Just crossing my fingers, hoping that I would have the chance to run! To burn those fatty fatty cheeky fats away away!~
To end this post, I wanna show you a cake picture.

Deliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicious chocolate cake! And I ate it about 11pm. *grins*
2 say(s):
fiona: ahahahah we all love food. Is a fact of life.
Yea, we all do :D
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