(Aug 25th) Another thing.

To Agnes and Cherry,

(Aug 23rd) Yummy POPEYE's


Thinking of having a bite now?

You can only find this in POPEYE's, Sunway Pyramid.

p.s: don't be deceived by its size!

(Aug 21st) Something to Ponder

Even when life is very pointy pointy and pokey pokey,
When headaches and pains get into my body,
When Mr. Temptation tempted me to get 5 man taos for RM1,
When I failed to do what I want to do,
When many people get disappointed with me and myself,
When I couldn't achieve what I've promised..

I wouldn't dream of turning back time and let you go..

I need You and Your presence.. :)

You are the lover of My Soul

Life isn't miserable.
It's how we did things that made our lives miserable.

(Aug 19th) BBQ-ed

From this...

...to this

How do you rate the "design"?


(Aug 17th) A View.

Oriental Pork Chop

Taste: Unsatisfactory
Design: Unsatisfactory
Tenderness: Hard


(Aug 16th) Would You dare?

Would you love to have a piece of it?

(Aug 12th) A Love Letter..

"And hope does not disappoint us,
because God has poured out his love into our hearts
by the Holy spirit, whom he has given us."

Romans 5:5

(Aug 10th) I mean, seriously?

I discovered that I've allergy.

To Bayou Surprise from Bubba Gump.

Which is an ALCOHOL DRINK.
Recipe: Skyy Vodka, Triple Sec and Bubba Gump's own blend of Tropical Fruit Juices


I really can't imagine that I'm allergic to alcohol.

I thought I'm only allergic to "heat".


(Aug 6th) Somewhat.. Somehow..

I have only 9 months left..

Ok weather last 2 days.
Heavy rain yesterday.
Super hot weather today.

Fine weather tomorrow.
Extremely fine weather on Saturday, PLEASSEEEEEE!
Super fine weather on Sunday.

Hear my prayer, Lord.


Now playing: Hillsong United - Hosanna via FoxyTunes
