(May 28th) The Underwater World

As ya'll know, I don't cook often. Or preferably, don't cook at all. But I got sooooo enthusiastic about cooking all of sudden that I went for the Cooking Sessions with Charleson Chew (first attempt). And today I did the FIRST complete dish.

3 cheers pour moi!

I now introduce you with my latest breakfast menu:
Le Underwater World

the tank
theme: Hawaii


les habitants

the sea corals, the jellyfishes, and the oysters..

les poissons..

.... and her eggs.

Underneath them all?
Sea water.

My new pet:

Kopije (ko-hi-ju)

(May 8th)

First time getting muffins for someone. Haha!

(May 3rd) Oh My God!

Susan Boyle's voice. Is so AMAZING. Is so HEAVENLY!

(May 1st) The girls..

Girls Aloud

The Saturdays


