Thanks for the Memories

The joy being with Hope Place members excite me. The love they pour on me like His everlasting love; touching and undescribe-able. They help me to grow in Christ. They make sure they pay close attention to me, in case if I fall, they are ready to pick me up. They bless me many times especially for Church Retreat (April 14th - 16th) and Southern Region Church Camp (June 7th - 10th). I know it's also a burden for them because I know I am not the only who have financial problem, but they understand what situation I am going through and they, wholeheartedly, pay for my trip. Honestly, I'd rather not go but as a member of the church, we don't want to miss anyone out.

I always feel very sad whenever the sunday services, care groups, prayer meetings, and fellowships end. Because I will part from them and go home. I miss the fellowship very much. We talked a lot of stuffs, from church to camps, from studies to computers, from interests to travelling - anything at all. But only Sister Agnes that keeps me talking about Music :)

You see, for me, I realized that fellowship is very important in my life. Without it, I'd never know how to grow or understand what others are thinking. And I'd never know how God wants to bless or use me. And now, worse, I am having my semester break and most of my sisters and brothers went back to their hometown :'( Some of the students went to Genting Highlands. I am very lonely. But luckily, there's what we call Internet. Hahahaha ..

Special thanks:
` to my beloved siblings and cousin:
Stella, Corbin, Fabien, and Rebecca

` to my beloved friends:
Shin Jie, Sullivan Alex Tan, Su Han, David Lai, Paul, Abraham, Ben, Wendy, Lu Yee, Wei Lin, Joanne, Wee Kiat, David Harbor, Lemogang, Phillip, Jonathan, Pai Chet, Mary Lai, Sin Lu, Mee Jia, Jenn, Safuraa, Agnes, Irene Tan, Joey, Melissa Ann, Bro Nelson, Simpson, Jameson, Carson, Pauline Foong, Fabian, Jason, Khai Lin, Aniksa, Beatrice, Leyu, Richard, Blessings, Jennifer, Pamela Ng, Jasmine, Anthony, Steven, Ah Mei, Lyndy, Sammi, Hong Foo, Pei Li, Jamaliah, Norliah, Boon Mui, Chiew Yin, T.K, Jun Hong, Liyana, Cherry, Myles, Earl, Frederick, Eddie, Ireen, Fifi, Aaron, Blur_Squid, Bebee, Liaisa, Pui Kim, Wen Qing, Joanne, Ivy, Stan, Ayunezah...
*your name may not be in the list, but your name has a spot deep in my heart

` to my beloved God-siblings:
Jennifer (KL), Walter (US), Louis Boey (KL), Le Chiak (KL)

beloved cutie small black & silver PQI 512mb pendrive

My Latest Daily List

beloved cutie small black & silver PQI 512mb pendrive

Imation 4gb pendrive
Linkin Park's Minutes to Midnight
Samsung/Sony Ericson phone

spiritual healing
care & l.o.v.e

The Appreciation

Last night, I thought of buying her a cake from Giant/Secret Recipe/Starbucks and placed it in the refrigerator before she comes home from work. I know she'd opent he fridge and have a look in it - always. But I have forgotten about it and when it was 11pm, I only remembered it. It is obviously too late. Me, Stephanie, Pui Kim, and Jack were at a mamak stall having supper in town (no idea what's the name). Stephanie and Pui Kim celebrated Mother's Day last night and I was wondering.. why yesterday? It is today, the official day :) So, I was thinking about how to get the gift.

"Buy a cake tomorrow then give her straight away"

"Buy roses from the flower shop and give it to her .. but when they die, surely throw away"

"Go Watson buy for her the chitosan thing she wants"

"Bring her out to eat dinner or buy her new clothes"

"Give her a hug"

Ok, I am bad at making decisions. Surprised? When I am about to make a decision, suddenly a better idea comes up and then, when I wanted to do the decision-making again, another new idea comes up. See how bad I am :'( I don't sit down and jot down a long list of the things I can do for her. It's for my mum, not someone else. So, I can actually do anything to please her. Friends, I really think you should put aside the pen and paper, for once! Haha.

Finally, I made up my mind. It is.. getting her something healthy - something that she would use - something that would make her stop thinking about her tummy *grins* So, I got her .. 2 bottels of Essentials which are:

Random stuffs: Currently lovin'

1) What I've Done
2) Wake
3) Given Up
4) Leave Out All The Rest
5) Bleed It Out
6) Shadow of The Day
7) Hands Held High
8) No More Sorrow
9) Valentine's Day
10) In Between
11) In Pieces
12) The Little Things Give You Away



Nah, was joking ..

Right, so Fiona did not do her 'duty' as a blogger to update her blog. Sorry for that. She doesn't have any idea what to write. Honest! Although the past few days, there are something happened, still, she don't think that they're interesting enough to share with you all in here, unlike Jazzy Pam and Jasz who have heaps of interesting and happening stuffs to share


Well, it's proven that she's a boring girl.

Ok, not to talk lame stuffs here. I am listing down what Mr Boredom-ness bringing me this May :)

So, that's all about it :P

Random Info:

Anyone interested to watch them with me?? Call me!!

I am feeling
