Like finally I own something branded. Ok, not because of the brand. But because it is gooooood shoes for sports! Trust me, NIKE has always known for her best shoes. PLUS, this is the shoes, as mentioned previously in my post here.
I think and think and think too much before buying. But because I wanna get myself back to shape, I decided to buy the shoes. Regardless the price. Okay, below US$70. It is cheap. For me. Because I believe that most sports shoes are above US$100. Ahahahaha!
I bought this pinky pair on Wednesday, started running on Thursday.
And body aching the whole Friday. After work, I was still busy complaining to Jackline that my body aches and feel like vomiting. The pain is just too much. I got home from work and body still aching. But I changed into my shorts and prepared to run. The sun was still shining so brightly outside, so I waited. While waiting, I lay down on the floor. I was sweating when I was on the way back. I slept. UNTIL 8PM. Great. No more sun. No more light outside. MORE BODY ACHE!
So I missed a day of running, missed a day of good sleep, and missed a day of messing with my sister's Samsung SII. Har har har. I was too busy with my body aches till the hour I took my bath.
TODAY, I shall run.
2 say(s):
Congrates babe! RUN!
that is just great.sleeping hahahaaah I feel reebok fits me this best. cos when i tried to rest they can't fit me.
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