Okay, it's still early in the morning and I got news that FOUR - ONLY FOUR - Twitter accounts of B2ST got verified. Getting verified means a huge thing! And it's not simply verified by the locals but by someone somewhere in the Western country. Hehehe!
So I went to check their accounts. SADLY, my most-est favourite member YANG YOSEOP (the first one) isn't verified. Geesh! I was thinking, he is the one who came up with the idea of "BEAUTIFUL SHOW" as written in my post here, but account not verified? IT IS INDEED A HUGE THING OKAY?? Sobbing... Even the leader of B2ST, YOON DU JUN's account not verified. HOW AWKWARD, you see.. Hahaha! I am crazy getting mad over this little matter. But it means a huge thing, as I've said above ;)
The B2UTYs congratulating the boys. But what the.. I am still unhappy :(
I will wait for the good news when YANG YOSEOP's account get verifiedㅋㅋㅋ
Here's a picture of them during their ET period (debut)

p/s: YANG YOSEOP the one in blonde :/
And during the latest:

p/s: now you know why me loving YANG YOSEOP
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