Am I Crazy?

I hate myself for the hurt I caused..

You never know how painful it gets every night.
The feelings is like a knife pushing into your heart. The blade and the skin of your heart. The knife cannot enter. It is just there..

Last night was the worse. I am afraid to fall asleep. I tried keep myself awake to keep an eye on things. I don't know why. I want the internet connection to be turned on every second. I just need to connect with somebody, anybody. But at the thought of working the next day - means waking up by 6am, I forced myself to bed.

I could feel myself went crazy, that I keep holding my phone - restricting myself to text anyone eventhough I don't know who to talk to. It was really late anyway.. I really think I am going crazy. All I could think is just the past. I could not move into the future.

I am just stuck in the present. Mind of the past. Heart for the future..
Probably that is why people said that the longest distance is from the heart to the mind..


1 say(s):

MeLia said...

Can call me ma XD

Wanna say anything also can
