
With stockings. And white heels.
How contrasting. Hehehe.
Wore this dress when I went out with Safuraa & her bf, Pui Kim, Stephanie, and Justina to the new JJ.. The girls said that I've never worn this sorta clothes before. And I am looking good in it - Korean style! I wore this without a belt. And so shall I wear it again, without a belt.. Hehe!
I'm seriously out of nice dresses!!
So, here is the thing.
Why I choose to wear this?
The dinner would be Tiara's really bright & beautiful & pretty restaurant!
Great stage backdrop. Totallyinlove with the lace cloth.
The napkins, just melt my heart.. They are all folded so nicely!
The seats, oh-so-comfy! VERY comfy!
Okay, off with the designs!
Dark colour clothes are encouraged because the venue is in beige and cream.
I believed that many would wear white, beige, or black (a total hit!)
My my, Fashion Consultant now huh?
And if you wanna be in pictures, I believe that you will need to be in dark colours.
To be seen! People can spot you easily. Heh ;p
That is not the main reason I wear this. I really don't have nice dress.
Don't believe me?
You think I should wear this?


With stockings. And white heels.
How contrasting. Hehehe.
Wore this dress when I went out with Safuraa & her bf, Pui Kim, Stephanie, and Justina to the new JJ.. The girls said that I've never worn this sorta clothes before. And I am looking good in it - Korean style! I wore this without a belt. And so shall I wear it again, without a belt.. Hehe!
I'm seriously out of nice dresses!!
So, here is the thing.
Why I choose to wear this?
The dinner would be Tiara's really bright & beautiful & pretty restaurant!
Great stage backdrop. Totallyinlove with the lace cloth.
The napkins, just melt my heart.. They are all folded so nicely!
The seats, oh-so-comfy! VERY comfy!
Okay, off with the designs!
Dark colour clothes are encouraged because the venue is in beige and cream.
I believed that many would wear white, beige, or black (a total hit!)
My my, Fashion Consultant now huh?
And if you wanna be in pictures, I believe that you will need to be in dark colours.
To be seen! People can spot you easily. Heh ;p
That is not the main reason I wear this. I really don't have nice dress.
Don't believe me?
You think I should wear this?

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