And the only thing we are needed to do, is the backdrop (at the stage).
So, First, I asked Christine to write DAVID&ABIGAIL in cursive.
She did it so PURRRR-FECTLY! Too bad I didn't have take the pic :((
I copied the names unto the polystrene. And here goes the flow:

They helped me to cut. The blade is really sharp.
When it was my turn, I cut my middle finger.. Just a little lar.
VERY careless!
Then, this came up!

Eunice Ong said that it looked like a dinosaur.
Bro Aaron said, "Is that a dinosaur?". We laughed and believed it is!
So, we just did the drawing&cutting last night.
Today, we did the rest. Sin Lu joined us!


We had troubles with this name.
There are a lot of flaws and we thought of re-doing the big "d".
But I smoothen some parts and we just leave them in church after that.

See how it glows! I was really happy :))

Ever since "A" was being born, we couldn't stop ourselves from going on.
This is really pretty! The girls couldn't stop admiring it! Hehehe..

Look at how her name shines!
And thisssssssss, our final product!

Still, the whole team adores Abigail's.. Because the font is really nice.
Plus with the glitters, they add more life to the name..
I wanna congratulate Bro David & Sis Abigail for coming together.
As ONE to bless God's Church and as well as HIS Kingdom.
I am really proud of them and would serve my Faithful God with them..
I couldn't feel more happy when I received the news!
I know, I am NOT the one who is getting married.
But everyone is waiting for this perfect time! :))
And lastly,
Eunice, Cindy, & Sin Lu.
You three musketeers have helped me a lot!
Without your help, which I initially planned to do myself, I couldn't do anything.
I am glad that we have come together to do this.
I am thankful. From deep down in my heart.
We are so gonna do this again! Whee~
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