Innovation Management 2010.

Exam was SO EASY!!!
BUT I think I might fail the paper


I read all the chapters as what my friend had told me.
Instead of getting all the answers right, I couldn't remember what I memorized.
First part forget, only can remember the second part.

Can't take the pressure :(
Feel so sad because I didn't do well.

It was reallllyyyyy easyyyy.
Those who got the tips, would definitely score well! Hmpf!


Julian Yii, I don't think I deserve any McDonalds for how I did for this paper.
No more wicked pictures of Fish Burger..


2 say(s):

JuJu said...

Haha, you gonna have 1 treat from me thou when i am back xD MCD treat for the efforts you made.

Mme Tshiamo said...


Efforts :( What effort :(
