
thank God and I praise Him for your life in Hope Melaka. You've been serving well despite of many things that happened around you. You hold onto Him who gives you strength and you did a marvellous job in shepherding all of us. Imagine, one is verryyy nice and sweet and obedient; one is very quiet and studious and sometimes, naughty; two are emotional.

you are ever joyful and whatever negative things come, you still smile. Everyone loves your smile. You know that. And it do make me wonder sometimes, why my smile tak cantik :( I always compare my smile/laughter to many girls/sisters in our church. I find them more appealing and beautiful than mine. I just don't get it why my smile is like that. Showing all my baby teeth
But yea, all of us are unique.

you gave your life to Benjamin and you never failed to appear in every meetings in church. I know you've dedicated your whole life to Him ever since you were in Batu Pahat. I am truly amazed how God placed a heart for Jesus in this girl when she was still young. I know and understand that your life is a testimony for everyone here in student unit. One person don't need to be a new born to testify God's goodness. But through a child from a Christian family, God can show wonders too. But each depending on His will :) And thank you for always having the zeal for God.

you acknowledge everyone in the church. You helped everyone in Hope Melaka. You guided your life group members with discipline and love. You loved everyone in the church. But you also teach strictly and with firm stand. These are the things that made you different from many leaders. You have the soft side. And you have the "hard" side as well :))

I am out of words already. Hahahaha! I know that I wanna thank you for many things. But I just don't know how to write
It is like as summarized as above. Truly wonderful shepherd you are! I truly believe that "the last will be the first" and it happened right in front of my eyes. Although I came earlier to church, but I never know that you grew faster and God made you a leader before me and I am your sheep sheep. Anyway, I might be taking off the "student" label soon, so, let's appreciate the time we have now in Benjamin.
Life ahead is gonna be tougher for both of us.
But God is the one who put smiles on our faces and wipes away our tears.
Let's continue to persevere in serving Him.
Throw away all the blues and problems, and worries..
Because God is Almighty and Jesus gave us the victory!

via fashionsociety
thank God and I praise Him for your life in Hope Melaka. You've been serving well despite of many things that happened around you. You hold onto Him who gives you strength and you did a marvellous job in shepherding all of us. Imagine, one is verryyy nice and sweet and obedient; one is very quiet and studious and sometimes, naughty; two are emotional.
you are ever joyful and whatever negative things come, you still smile. Everyone loves your smile. You know that. And it do make me wonder sometimes, why my smile tak cantik :( I always compare my smile/laughter to many girls/sisters in our church. I find them more appealing and beautiful than mine. I just don't get it why my smile is like that. Showing all my baby teeth
you gave your life to Benjamin and you never failed to appear in every meetings in church. I know you've dedicated your whole life to Him ever since you were in Batu Pahat. I am truly amazed how God placed a heart for Jesus in this girl when she was still young. I know and understand that your life is a testimony for everyone here in student unit. One person don't need to be a new born to testify God's goodness. But through a child from a Christian family, God can show wonders too. But each depending on His will :) And thank you for always having the zeal for God.
you acknowledge everyone in the church. You helped everyone in Hope Melaka. You guided your life group members with discipline and love. You loved everyone in the church. But you also teach strictly and with firm stand. These are the things that made you different from many leaders. You have the soft side. And you have the "hard" side as well :))
I am out of words already. Hahahaha! I know that I wanna thank you for many things. But I just don't know how to write
Life ahead is gonna be tougher for both of us.
But God is the one who put smiles on our faces and wipes away our tears.
Let's continue to persevere in serving Him.
Throw away all the blues and problems, and worries..
Because God is Almighty and Jesus gave us the victory!
via fashionsociety
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