(April 4th) Another Day...

To my dearest sis Stella,

Happy 23rd Birthday!
May God bless you more in your studies and work.
May you gain lotsa knowledge when you're in Sabah.

don't forget to share with me all about the trip, ya ;)

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A brother from church asked me for the ISS Nite (Apr 3rd) few days ago. It was my first time getting invited to be someone's date. I was thrilled and I got so excited. I couldn't stop thinking how great the dinner would be. And for your info, I haven't been to a dinner before, as in like you'll have to get dressed up for it. It's really, really interesting! The ticket's quite cheap and obviously he is getting the ticket for me.

But I turned down his invitation. I have an exam on Saturday. TWO exams to be exact: ACCOUNTING and RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. And I have a morning class on the next day. I need plenty of hours to study. I feel so nervous whenever I think about Accountings. Why does it has to be so scary? Hmm.. I feel guilty for not going with him because he has hopes that I'll go. But I didn't. Probably I'll buy him dinner to make it up ;) Um... Any ideas what to get for him?
