(April 10th) God is great!

Sometimes I do have doubt if God really answer my prayers.

But Sis Celina doesn't have!

She has faith that God will definitely answer her prayers and every little bit of her cries; that's of course for expanding His Kingdom. I was in the living room watching E! on Astro whilst she was in her room dressing up. Then, she came out of her room and say, "I was checking the courses online just now and I saw that the course that I wanted, is offered in Malacca campus." I was shrieking and almost jumped off the sofa. I was so happy! I really can't believe that. I was shrieking again, and shrieking in my heart =)

Yea, you can see me grinning widely now.


Praise God!

1 say(s):

Anonymous said...

U change ur blog again huh. So how many times has it been? :P
