(Nov 20th) Another Day, Another Blurness

And I just realized that I haven't got a group for assignments.


update: I've found Girls Aloud's new album, Tangled Up in Multiply.com!! Wheee~~

3 say(s):

Someone Concerns said...

Never acted that you're knowing something if you're not sure about it.

I hope you can understand. I wish you know. And I always pray that you learnt from the past, the history.

"Why you just realized that you haven't got a group for assignments" after days and weeks ?

Will this because, HE is telling something ?

Mme Tshiamo said...

well, for your info, SC, i wasn't aware that there's such thing as 'groups' for that subject although i received the assignments. very sad isn't it?

but now i will be more aware. and i hadn't got a group yet. so sad.

Anonymous said...

sigh.. you're being too blur *.*
