I like doing the survey kind of posts, you know. Maybe it's because it’s all about me, therefore its interesting
Ok, the title is...
My Top 3 Embarrassing Moments in 2007
'Fess the humiliation!
'Fess the humiliation!
As the last person in a debate team, he/she should say out what mistakes the other team has made. It's what we call as "shoot back". I was the last person. But I didn't know what I should do. I was so stupid till whatever content that I gave out, no points given. I hate debating, by the way. Ok, once again, it's not like there's only 2 teams in the classroom with the teacher. There were so many students in the class! I acted brainless in front of so many people... well, my team lost.
I entered the wrong class and realized it one minute later. 60 seconds is not short, you know! It's not like once you stepped into the room, you noticed that you don't know the people. I stood at the door looking at the guys. They looked back. My legs couldn't move. I don't know that I entered the wrong class. It's not the first week of class or something. It was the third week. I registered late ma. So I was clueless why they looked at me as if I am… ok, in the wrong class. Till now, I couldn't figure out how I manage to look at them, looking like a lost person, without feeling like one.
EVERYONE knows that I am so bad in speaking Mandarin. If you are working, you should at least know how to speak in these languages: English, Mandarin, and Malay. If you don't, you'l have difficulty in communicating or negotiating with your customers. Whenever I work in Lilic or in the phone shop, I always humiliate myself in speaking Mandarin. I know I pronounced the word correctly but when the customer said, "Ha?" then there are these 2 best guesses: I didn't speak loud enough or I said the wrong word. Whenever they did so, I'd scurry to my mate and asked for help. Then, I hide myself from that customer.
BLOG'RS TAGGED - David Harbor, Beatrice, Nikki, Prinsezz, Stephanie, Kidrock
Looking Forward
3 say(s):
ehehehh..salah kelas ye... shame..shame...
ya la! malu tau X< but the most embarrassing thing is the first :P
wow! so many updates oredyyy~!!!
This is fun! haha, i'll be back with it! =)
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