my heart

She keeps on betraying me.
When will she stop? She's my best friend. Does best friends betray each other? I have forgive and forget the things she did to me.. I still treat her as if nothing has happened. Last week, there was a discussion about a big matter that has to do with us. It's settled. Today, a friend talked to us about another problem. I know that she will tell the truth to our friend. I know that it'll be settled as how she had informed me. When I was being asked about it, I was thinking, "Why would he ask me this?". But I told the answer. My heart was beating fast as if I am the culprit (talking to this friend really gives me goosebumps)
I don't know why she does this to me. Is she afraid that he will get angry with her? That's why it's better to use my name? Or she is grade A in telling lies? From the day she spilled my secrets to others in order to let everyone to concentrate on me, I just know that she can't be trusted. I really love her but I just can't have the trust in her anymore.
What should I do? I can't just tell out my feelings to her. It's really hard. I can't be serious in front of people. I can't be angry with her.
ARGHHHH!!! Tell me what should I do to let her to 'wake up'!
p.s: someone hacked into my friendster account......... again!!
5 say(s):
Hey, if ur friend keeps on spilling ur secrets to everyone, do u still consider such a person as a 'friend'?? It's up to u 2 decide wat 2 do.. hope u'll have 2 courage 2 do wat is right..
p.s.. it must be my twin bro who hacked ito ur friendster acct.. jz kiddin la..
hey David :D
well, i think she has no itentions to do so. but anyway, i think i know who entered my friendster acc. i hope i can TRY to keep my acc from anyone .. :D
hey~ hope u r alrite.. some people r like that.. just ignore them..
ignore them? but she's my best friend :( and i love her .. sigh .. it's very hard to ignore .. i just hope that she know what she has done and asked forgiveness from God, that's fine ..
i just had lunch with her :D
hey, then I know who it is.. I can roughly conclude that she might not have known that her actions hurt u.. maybe u shud try talking 2 her about it, k?? It's just my advice... Tanx for ur comment.. Dat struck d right spot in my heart.. hehe..
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