Sorry for not updating my blog. I lost the mood to blog lar
Not good. Sigh. Though my life is filled with joy and happiness, I still can't figure out what to write
Why is this happening to me? No internet at home. No friends near me got internet. No transport online at night! But never mind. Here I am!
Event: Southern Region Church Camp (SRCC)
Venue: Summerset Resort, Kuala Rompin, Pahang
Date: June 7 - 10
My honest, honest comments:
The resort is simply huge! Very big
Since we do play games during this event, we walked around the place like WOW. I haven't got any pics of the huge resort to show you but I'd love to say that it has a very beautiful white sandy beach and swimming pools and halls and rooms *especially this*. I can never stop enjoying every second there although I face terrible stomach ache during the first 2 days. Then, very tiring because sweated a lot and legs also pain. My phone died, sad to say. I borrowed Ben's phone to text with Le Chiak... and Ben lost his simcard right after swimming, on the day itself. My fault
Another bad thing happened was Sister Shin Jie *my shepherd* fell sick on the first day itself during the games session. Poor her. But she recovered on the next day. I skipped several meals due to the stomach ache. But thank God for that because the food ain't that nice 
Overall, I love being there with the other brothers and sisters from Hope Movement. First time joining such camp. Oh, Pastor Kwong Lie was great. He told us funny stories and praised Pastor Joshua *went to plant church in India* many many times. Pastor Joshua told us his life while he was in India before coming to SRCC. It was hilarious! Guess that God likes giving us surprises
The fun part was when each time Bro David Lai's name was mentioned, all of us from Hope Malacca cheered for him. He is certainly a great leader! Many of us felt so sleepy during the preaching lar. And our mouth tend to get very itchy. Can't stop biting and munching snacks. Ok lar, I think if I tell you more about the preaching you'll also definitely fall asleep
Here are few pics Bro Paul took during the Water Baptism on the 2nd day. Sister Ireen from our Hope of God Malacca was baptised!
Congratulations, Ireen 
-------------------------------------------Event: Southern Region Church Camp (SRCC)
Venue: Summerset Resort, Kuala Rompin, Pahang
Date: June 7 - 10
My honest, honest comments:
The resort is simply huge! Very big
Overall, I love being there with the other brothers and sisters from Hope Movement. First time joining such camp. Oh, Pastor Kwong Lie was great. He told us funny stories and praised Pastor Joshua *went to plant church in India* many many times. Pastor Joshua told us his life while he was in India before coming to SRCC. It was hilarious! Guess that God likes giving us surprises
I promise to post more pics
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