No lar, actually it shows that someone remembers me Chen Ni loves me therefore she tagged me
5 Things Found in My Handbag:
` simple Cleansing Facial Wipes
` M&M's Ogre-Sized Peanuts *I bought this because of its cute packaging. Princess Fiona and Shrek are on it. And it's green*
` Public Bank Passbook
` Polo sweets
` pendrive
5 Things Found in My Purse:
` small McFly banner
` bank cards
` TMnet Prepaid Start Up card *features Linkin Park*
` friends' business cards *including Lilic Collections'*
` rm4 *for now..
5 Favourite Things in My Room:
` my bed *this is the first!*
` Jamieson Brown the she-bear
` my 2 pillows
` Linkin Park, McFly, and Lindsay Lohan posters
` McFly cds
5 Things I've Always Wanted To Do:
` to hold Jesus Christ's hand
` to let Him to take complete control of my life
` meet up with McFly and Lindsay Lohan!!
` get into a business *earn some pocket money*
` fashion line call "finyx.paperQ Line"
5 Things I'm Currently Into:
` new friends *from the MMU reach out few days ago!*
` being a new person inside and not caring how people thinks about me
` food!
` Shrek 3 *cos it's all about the g.r.e.e.n*
` "Seishun Amigo" - a track from a japanese drama The MakeOver
5 People To Tag:
` Alex Tan
` Cholic
` Kidrock
` Chazzie
` Asilem
p.s: you guys better do this or else
The line is very very slow here. I am in Starbucks Coffee, Dataran by the way. Sigh. The Photobucket lagi slow! Chazzie, you better post this stuffs up! I want to know what's in your wallet! You better have some McFly stuffs in there! Ahaks!
2 say(s):
Great...i got tagged. -.-
Okay okay, i'll work on it...^^;
ah! how wonderful you know it :D
hahaha! only left Asilem .. grr .. >_<
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