the heart

How is it to like someone but he never likes you back?

How is it to give something to someone..
but the response is not good?

How is it to wait for that someone to reply..
but he never did?

I know that each one of us had been through the difficult time when we have to accept “NO” as the answer. No matter how hard you try, you are never good in his eyes. No matter how far you get to change yourself for him, he would never like you more than before. The more you try to know that person, the more annoyed he would be. And worse, you'll get ignored.

When he is sad, you would be sad. When he is happy, you would be happy too but you'd wonder if you're the one who makes him smile. When he is angry, you'd just provide him many advises to calm him down. When he is extremely happy, you wished you'd be the one beside him to share the happiness. When he cries, you wished you could lend your shoulders for him to cry on.

You wished he'd know everything that goes around your mind. You just need to tell him all things that happened in your life. You never fail to reply his text messages or answer his call. You don't want to hang up when it is time to quit talking. You would want to listen to him all the time during the phone call instead of telling your problems. You wanted to let him know how much you cared for him and wanted him to know that you'll always be there for him.

But the only thing you really want him to know is...

you love him

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