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나는SGWannabe과 사랑안에 이다
(I am in love with SG Wannabe)
So, anyone got their songs..
please be very kind and send me their songs :]
Believe it or not, I am certainly liking this Korean band.
How I come to like SG Wannabe?

Something I Did Not Expect:
Last night I went to Prayer Meeting. And I noticed that there are 2 Korean guys attended the church. I was extremely happy because they are Koreans, you know... I made up my mind to ask them about SG Wannbe. After the meeting, I asked a friend of mine to ask them. He did and I was watching from the side. The guy who wore pink nodded and I shrieked! I jumped a little and quickly approach him. I asked if he has the songs and he nodded. Guessed I frightened him a little. So I asked if he could send me their songs to my email add. He agreed and I ran to my bag to write down my email. He let me to hear one of SG Wannabe's song.
I didn't know that it is really good to listen to!
Last night I went to Prayer Meeting. And I noticed that there are 2 Korean guys attended the church. I was extremely happy because they are Koreans, you know... I made up my mind to ask them about SG Wannbe. After the meeting, I asked a friend of mine to ask them. He did and I was watching from the side. The guy who wore pink nodded and I shrieked! I jumped a little and quickly approach him. I asked if he has the songs and he nodded. Guessed I frightened him a little. So I asked if he could send me their songs to my email add. He agreed and I ran to my bag to write down my email. He let me to hear one of SG Wannabe's song.
I didn't know that it is really good to listen to!
나는SGWannabe과 지금 사로잡힌다
SG Wannabe은 흔들n다!
SG Wannabe은 흔들n다!
p.s: sorry if there are grammar mistakes
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