Today is January 9th 2007, so...
Hey everyone...
I am so happy that I'm having my holidays now.
Well, it has been a long time now that I taste the holiday 'spirit'. No, it's not the kind that you felt on the 1st week of class. It is the "HOLIDAYS for 3 whole weeks!!! YEYYYYY!! SO, what do I want to do now?" feeling. I completed 2 exam papers on Jan 3rd and 1 paper on 6th.. then, here I am, goyang kaki and online. I really have no idea what to do for these 3 weeks of holiday. I thought of working with my Godpa in Kluang but he hasn't tell me if I could work with him since.. *calculating..* few weeks ago! Usually when my friends told me that they have 3 months holiday, I will be so happy for them and started to complain to have holidays now because it's a loooooooooong holiday! BUT when I think again, it'll be a very BAD holiday because if I have nothing to do, I'd probably stay home and rot.
By the way, I want to tell you that I was really stunned when I found myself writing a lot of things during exam. I didn't know that whatever I read in the morning for Operations Management came out in the structure part! I was jumping with joy *no, I didn't really jump* I was very happy because it can help me to score a little. Um, it's only for one question. The other 2 is calculations. I was sad when I couldn't complete the calculations. I thought I remember but I only remembered that I glanced through that part in the notes. Grrr...! But never mind. If I ever fail for this, I shall work hard for the supplementary paper *though it's much harder* and I won't let people to look down on me. I should have studied the calculations part. Hm, I thought it'd be easy but it's never easy in education :) So hopefully none of you copied me. Haha...
Downfall by
TRUST company(rating:
I heard this song few years back through
Yahoo! Music and
I fell in love with it at once! I like the tune and the singer's voice. It is nicely blend and it is
I never forget this song :)
Alex hates it though*
Sorry's Not Good Enough by McFly
(rating: *****)
This is the latest single with Friday Night (the soundtrack for A Night At The Museum). This hit surprisingly only hit no#3 but the boys didn't expect for a no#1 either. This song is touching and the video clip is very good as well. Click here to watch it. Hope you all love these 2 songs!
Krwlng by Linkin Park
(rating: *****)
This is the song that I love so much out of this album. There is also a track which is alike as this which is Track 01 - Opening. Besides this, I also love P5hng Me A*wy, Wth>You, and By_myslf. The best remixed album.
This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race by Fall Out Boy
(rating: *****)
This is a GOOD song! After Dance Dance, I bet these guys have already been making great tunes for their fans! Their album, Infinity on High would be coming out soon so watch out for it!
p.s: FOB will be coming to M'sia either this or next year.
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