When God doesn't Answer Your Prayer
Currently waiting translation for:

I have the Chinese version of this book, given by LeYu who doesn't know who am I or even know that I'm a banana. Haha. We were supposed to exchange gifts on Christmas day in Noah's house but I went back early. He came later so he doesn't get a chance to see me. But I met up with him on the next Sunday Service to thank him. He said that he went to the shop to get the English version but it's not available so I have the chinese version. It's really pretty because of the colour and the meaning :) hopefully Shin Jie is able to translate everything to me.
Currently waiting translation for:
I have the Chinese version of this book, given by LeYu who doesn't know who am I or even know that I'm a banana. Haha. We were supposed to exchange gifts on Christmas day in Noah's house but I went back early. He came later so he doesn't get a chance to see me. But I met up with him on the next Sunday Service to thank him. He said that he went to the shop to get the English version but it's not available so I have the chinese version. It's really pretty because of the colour and the meaning :) hopefully Shin Jie is able to translate everything to me.
p.s: thanks to Bro Jameson who gave me a keychain made of wood and the bookmark *with 3 puppies on it*. very cute! hope you've a happy life being a pilot! all the best :)
p.s: well, according to a pal, he thought that I've no heart to fall in love again *read the post before this* and I agreed. Last year was filled with bad relationships so this year, I don't want to play anymore. I want to be serious. Yes, I am young but I don't like to get involve in many relationships already. Talking about maturity. Haha. So, stop playing, Fiona!
5 say(s):
Hey gurl, there are many a**holes and jerks in the world. But hey, don't shut yourself down, keep your heart open. The right person will come along and if you don't give him a chance, how can he prove you wrong? :)
So keep your heart open BUT be careful when giving your trust and heart to someone, as well. :)
First of all, I appreciate your gratitude. I'm glad to be in melaka last weekend. It was very encouraging and exhilarating to see such a dramatic changes that had taken place over the past few months. In fact, I could never anticipate such changes. Once again, God has proven Himself to each and every one of us that He's powerful. I was impressed by those pictures which taken during Christmas. It was amazing, and it's hard to believe because the decoration and the people were too beautiful. Forget about those bad things in the past, and start all thing from the very first again. Indeed, what you had experience in the past is a milestone in your life, so that you may live your life more meaningful day by day, and mark every chapter of your life beatifully, and give you an everlasting memory. You can entrust your 'relationship' to God. We all know that thing doesn't go well always, and the days ahead of us are without exception too. We'll never know what is going to happen tomorrow, trial, test, temptation, anxiety and so on. But there's one very comforting message from God. The bible says" But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven. It is a land the Lord your God cares for; the eyes of the Lord our God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end." (Deut11:11-12) Today, God is going to do something in your life, something amazing and great that surpass your understanding. So, it's definately a blessed and exciting new year. Remember, God's eyes are on you throughout the year. Love, Jameson.
aww, thanks you guys so much. makes me want to cry already :D
anyway, Pam, i will keep my heart open. maybe soon because now, a little bit of..painful still :) it's hard for me to really see who i can trust but..i hope i can learn it one day :) thanks for the advice
jameson, wah! got own blog ar? haha. you don't have to do one though because you can just click on Anonymous ^_^ sorry menyusahkan you only. hehe...you're sweet and thanks for the advice :D
have a blasted weekend you both
seriously they dont have the book in english ???if got wanna borrow
i don't know, sully. have to go and find because that's what my friend said. i need to go see myself :( so sad. but you can check the english sample through internet. it's great..even it's only introduction :D
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