Yes, for the whole week I was supporting for roadshows promoting our JINHO beauty products, FRANMIC - as mentioned on the previous post.. It was a blast. Actually kinda difficult also because it was my first time and then many things I do not know.. So along this journey to each Health centres, I was exposed to many different sorts of strategies but same type of old people - friendly and kind. It's very normal that old people are humble, friendly, talkative, etc.. So most of the times I love talking with them. But when I gotta promote the products to them, it was difficult for me. I lack of the convincing spirit. Lol! I suck at sales! Sales and me not a perfect match. LOL!
Surprisingly I am able to talk with the customers about the goodness of the products. And since I am using the products too, I can enable the "convincing" talk with them. Wahaha! But of course, I don't know if they get to buy lar. Cos I usually will pass the customers to the Sales team. And most of the aunties who did facial with me, they have the intention to buy the products :D It was a wonderful first experience and I am glad that I get to go out to explore the SALES atmosphere..
Oh, we had good food too ;p
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