This picture immediately reminds me of GCYL.
Because he was the first boy to ever break my heart into pieces. With his inconsiderate actions and fake promises. I shall not call him "man" because he is a coward and tell lies to end our relationship! Yes, I was pissed off. I was angry. I was frustrated. Base-cally, I was so so freaking upset with him.
You call that a male? A gentleman? Oh wait, I never called him that. I never name him a gentleman? Did I? I don't think I did. Did I ever call him that? Okay, if I did, please, I take it back. LOL! He's certainly not a genty. NOT AT ALL. But I hope he would be for his current girlfriend.. Geesh :(
I don't have anymore feelings for him. NONE. NIL.
But the anger still hid inside of me and sometimes I'll just burst! Sigh...
I gotta forgive! Yes, I gotta forget. No, I couldn't forget it yet. I need time to forget him. I need time to release the pain flowing within my heart.
Last msg for him,
Ohhhhh um geeeee :O)
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