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Ah, finally bread for my breakfast. Wahahaha! Well, usually I've got the bread but nothing for spreads. When I got the spreads like jam, I got no bread and super lazy to go out to purchase it.. Hahaha! I remember those times when babe brought food for me. Because she worked nearby my ex-company. Wahaha! And the heat when we go out for lunch.. Geesh.. Now I miss those times ;'(
NOW working in a new company, I rather choose to sleep on my bed till few minutes before 8.40am. Then I'll rush to the bathroom to prepare myself for work. LOL.. I'm kinda lazy nowadays. But today, I'm especially hardworking. Still woke up late, but got time to spread peanut butter and jam on bread! Wahahaha! I should do this more often. So I could save my lunch money ;))
Ah well, cheers to my laziness..
I could never gonna make another good and healthy breakfast :(
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