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Ever known a guy who flirts to the maxand make it as if he's super innocent and doesn't do anything wrong?
This is the guy:

On the other hand, I'm just a pathetic loser who took everything into heart;every words he said,every move he made,every freaking promise he "swore",every freaking smile he shared..
With "just a click of my finger", he thought he could get that girl! Hahahahaha! He didn't even know that the girl actually rejected him long ago because of his attitude when he was in a relationship with me. I guess I lost the "game" he was playing because he fell in love with a girl. And the place he is working now, seriously knows how he treated me and how he plays with fire.. Just so sadly, I am tooooooo straight that I couldn't think of any revenge - which I don't do anyway.
I am good. I am a good girl. That's what he said! LOL! I know I am. But sir, you prefer bad girl? Who goes to bed with you every night and every second that you could grab? Who could shower you with...With what? MONEY? Or that's another lie you told me.
So dear readers, the life with him is seriously confusing. He could be telling the truth when he shared his life stories about his parents and how his family breakthrough in financial crisis and then... He might insert a lie or two into his sentences.. He even said that "a white lie isn't a lie" and "I'm not lying, I'm just denying". Hahaha! Me and my babe actually LOL at that phrase! When you said "NO" to a "YES" question, you are obviously lying. How could you deny when you actually already lying? Why is it so hard for someone to tell the truth? I am not perfect. I do lie some times.
White lies are minor lies which could be considered to be harmless,or even beneficial, in the long term.
I mean he does knows his English! To him, it's harmless and beneficial. Wow!
I lose.. Okay, I really admit that I lose now T___T
*raising white flag*
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