Yea, eating in office is superb. Especially in office like mine? Why?
FIRST, it's because me and my colleague are the only ones in this office - with pantry, toilet and 2 more rooms. We're outside, by the way. With aircond. So is like, HUGE. And our manager don't come up often unless to pray or get something.. And we're like all on our own. LOL! And that leads to
SECOND, we're FREEEEEEEEEEE! Too much freedom though. Haha! And yea, privacy. Although my colleague can see what I'm doing on my computer. She's sitting behind me. But I can't see what she's doing. So I feel sometimes, insecure? But did try my best to enjoyyy when she went out to buy stuffs. So is like, I'm the only one in this whole 3rd floor. Bwahahaha!So yea, we're free like birds. But hey, we do work okay!

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