Most of my mornings and some of my evenings. Very inconsistent, you say? I guess so. Sometimes in the morning, I'd wake up 8am but whole body would be aching like mad. Then I go back to sleep and woke up 9am - NO TIME to jog. Other times, I would wake up before 8am and then I'd start exercising, do some brisk-walking, and then jogging, and walking.
And Miss Jackline kindly recommended me to use an application to keep track of my sports activity. And here is the application:
Here's the preview (click for bigger image):
It is quite impressive that I could manage to check how far I
ONE CON, is that you gotta bring your phone for a walk too. How annoying. It's not a small phone, you know. Yes, slim and wow. But hey, got that thingy jumping in your pocket as you run... Would you like it? I wouldn't like it. But for the sake of motivation, I WILL BRING IT! Yesh.....
Okay, since I bragged so much about this app, I will reveal the results of my jogging this morning. I'm pretty happy for myself because I managed to reach 1km. Little? But at least I try (:

Below is the results for my walk :)

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.. Who wouldn't get motivated right?
*I know, my calories aren't burning enough....

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