One night

*shakes head*

Just one night. Just one night in the club.
With so much less customers.
With me talking to one customer.
With that customer talking to me about his personal matters.
With US discussing about some stuffs.

She got mad.
She got mad at him.
Because he did not approach me. To advice me to stop talking.
She got mad because she thought he's protecting me.
She went crazy because....... she's in the bar, not outside.

I couldn't help you. I wish I could be in the bar instead.
I hope to see you outside serving, instead..
But the top management did not allow me to enter. They want you to be in there.
I don't know why they want to do so.
It isn't my fault nor anything to do with me.

I'm just doing my job. As a part-timer.

I'm not sorry for what happened.

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