Everyone's in the mood for the upcoming CHINESE NEW YEAR! Are you excited for this reddish festival? Filled with lanterns and other red stuffs. Luckily they didn't even try to change the colour for Chinese New Year. RED for Chinese is soooooo ONG! Ong means something like luck? Ah well, I'm not the pure pure purest Chinese. I'm a Chinese with English background.
So people calls me BANANA: yellow outside, white inside.

So this year, I thought of keeping my house empty but clean. Meaning, no decorations whatsoever. But my sister requested me to do some fishes and birds to hang in the house. I was like, okay, I prefer to choose the house without decorations. But I guess my family members are in the mood for this year's celebration - which wasn't that happening last year.
I decorated the church first and below is one of the "masterpiece" :D

This picture is edited. The colours are enhanced! Look how beautiful these little
cherry blossoms. These flowers give good colours. They look good everywhere. Sweet, petite, and cute! I hope you Chinese people out there have these in your houses for New Year!
Something extra to share with ya'll.. Currently I'm working in a new company - once operated in another part of Melaka. And since it's Chinese New Year, my Manager ordered boxes of oranges for her staffs! Each one to bring home a box of oranges! How kind! The company also gives each of us a RM100
angpow. Oh dear! It feels like presents are falling from the sky. But all of us did our hard work throughout these few months and I believe we deserved some pampering.. Hehehe~
May this year a good year! A splendid year in this company.
A splendid year with my family members - all are home now.
A splendid year of fruitful relationships with those around me!
And lastly, may love continue to build us up :)
Have a great holidayand