Let's talk about New Year's Resolution!

because the curtains for 2010 is finally closing.

I have only ONE resolution, made few weeks after New Year 2010.
Previously, I had a list. The same one as last year. Haha!

via roya

It seems that I could not accomplish all of them in one year!
Because they take me a verrrrry long time to execute them :(
Yea, blame me, I am lack in faith! Teehee.

I quickly strike out off one by one. In the end, I just threw the list away.
I did a new one. And only ONE line written.
Which I cannot tell here because it must be a secret ;)

I managed to execute it, not 100% everyday..
I am not Jesus, you know.
But I gave my all when I am doing it..

When I looked back, I do see what I have contributed to my Resolution.
For 2011, I have a set of resolutions. Ready to be exposed to God!

Of course I need His help to achieve all that!

How about you?
Did you manage to achieve what you set?

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