My aunt brought some souvenirs - from Turkey - for us yesterday.
Here they are......

Magnets for fridge.

Look at this. It is special isn't it. You can touch it and it shakes! :D

This, kinda, shocked me when I first see it. Hahaha!
It looks funny, you know..

Here is the close-up of the keychain.
It looks like one evil Aladdin shoe ;p

This bracelet is a CHARM! It caught my eyes.
I totally in love with it.

Don't you think it is so beautiful?

FOOD! Not forgetting this, Turkish Delight.
From Narnia.. Hahaha! But it is not the same as the one Edward ate.
I wished I could taste the one he took :(

Tea, anyone?
I drank the same kind in Coffee Bean. But I am not sure how nice this is.


There, finish already. That are all I received.
Here is how the Turkish Delight looks like.

How does it tastes like?
Well... It is not sweet. Pistachio, Hazelnut, and Coconut.
It tastes.. Funny :/
I don't think I gonna like this as how I lovee chocolatesssss!
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