I think I tumblred too much.
No. I tumblred too much. I lost so much of my time in planet Earth.
The things to do in Tumblr is just reblogging pictures from others.
In the first place, you reblogged pictures that really caught your attention.
1 follower. -whee!!
You are damn happy because someone is checking out your Tumblog.
Then, you checked out his/her Tumblr, and reblog somemore.
Add some of his/her followers.
5 followers. -omg! happiness!
1 message.
After reblogging more, you asked for promote2promote.
15 followers -including the ones you followed
5 messages -just to tell you how much they apprecite your follow-backs
Soon, you lose the purpose of tumblring.
Yea, you do keep on posting stuffs you like.
But as time passes by, you tend to promote for more followers.
NOT for what you have reblogged and what you like - photography.
BUT for the sake of getting more and more followers.
Like 10000++?
And I'm driving towards that direction (look at the post below)
I do like a lot of posts. Lots of pictures that caught my attention.
But everything has lost its meaning.
At the end of the day, I lose my time and strength.
I earned nothing from there. But do you think I'd still check Tumblr?
Oh, yea, I would, of course! I still would.
I am in totallyinlove with the fashion of London.
There are TOO many beautiful pictures of beautiful girls in beautiful clothes!
Like these:

Alright. I guess that "fashion" is the only excuse GIRLS can give :p
I - promise myself to use Tumblr lesser.
I'm seriously not using it now..
I - promise God to spend more time with Him ;)
I - promise that I won't sleep late from today onwards.
It is 1:26am *gasps*
all pictures are from Tumblr.com
No. I tumblred too much. I lost so much of my time in planet Earth.
The things to do in Tumblr is just reblogging pictures from others.
In the first place, you reblogged pictures that really caught your attention.
1 follower. -whee!!
You are damn happy because someone is checking out your Tumblog.
Then, you checked out his/her Tumblr, and reblog somemore.
Add some of his/her followers.
5 followers. -omg! happiness!
1 message.
After reblogging more, you asked for promote2promote.
15 followers -including the ones you followed
5 messages -just to tell you how much they apprecite your follow-backs
Soon, you lose the purpose of tumblring.
Yea, you do keep on posting stuffs you like.
But as time passes by, you tend to promote for more followers.
NOT for what you have reblogged and what you like - photography.
BUT for the sake of getting more and more followers.
Like 10000++?
And I'm driving towards that direction (look at the post below)
I do like a lot of posts. Lots of pictures that caught my attention.
But everything has lost its meaning.
At the end of the day, I lose my time and strength.
I earned nothing from there. But do you think I'd still check Tumblr?
Oh, yea, I would, of course! I still would.
I am in totallyinlove with the fashion of London.
There are TOO many beautiful pictures of beautiful girls in beautiful clothes!
Like these:
Alright. I guess that "fashion" is the only excuse GIRLS can give :p
I - promise myself to use Tumblr lesser.
I'm seriously not using it now..
I - promise God to spend more time with Him ;)
I - promise that I won't sleep late from today onwards.
It is 1:26am *gasps*
all pictures are from Tumblr.com
2 say(s):
It is good to blog in tumblr. we can connect with other people there
True. But I got so addicted to it until I wasted much of my time :((
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