Early today, near 12pm, I cooked lunch for myself - fried Mee Sedap's noodles.
If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have known how to even start frying something, which ingredients to put into the pan first, how to stir, how much oil/salt/water to put in the pan etc etc. Many things on cooking I have learnt from him. And I will never forget every thing he taught me. Including the way I have to cut the onions, the way I have to peel vegetables - the thing I hate to do the most in the kitchen..
When I was looking at the plate of noodles, that is how I remember of the food he made. Some out of his creativity. Some out of the recipe books. Some were taught by his aunty. I also remember the time I actually went to buy a packet of noodles, so that whenever I feel like cooking, I could use them.
I miss seeing his cabinet in the kitchen. It is always filled with stuffs. From potato chips to pepper sauce. From plastic bags to forks & spoons. It never goes hungry. Wish I have that picture :/ but somehow, I know that we won't have anymore cooking classes, I hope your passion for cooking will continue on. Pass it down to your children! :)
As I was my delicious meal, I read Cecelia Ahern's If You Could See Me Now and I really think this book is precious! Such wonderful words compiled together in the book. And I felt like I am Elizabeth herself. And this is my favourite phrase so far, "And people like Luke [kid] don't choose to see me, they just see me. It is people like you and Elizabeth [the main character] that choose not to".
I was super shocked to see how young she is! Grrr..
Young and talented she is!
You put a smile on my face.
After such gloomy hours I had and know what? My mood got worse when you told me that you went for grocery shopping :( So naughty. You left me out.
Thanks for the CROCS and the Vochelle's Dark Chocolate (dinner!!).
Really surprised me, a lot! Fyi, I stilllll cannot concentrate. Hahaha!
Thanks a lot, really.
I pray that God will use you in the specific area where your life will touch others. And your life is very important, you know? You can influence so many young ones to come to know Christ. As how sister Abigail said before regarding your charisma. You will shine one day. Just allow God to fill in your heart and your life. He will make things much easier than when you handle them.. :)
Thanks for choosing to serve with us in Hope Melaka.
I know you will grow in His church.. :)
Persevere whenever trials come.
In Him, every of your questions will be answered.
Stand firm in our dearest Lord, amen :))
via lovequotesrus
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