Remember This?

If anyone of you remember this, say "WAAAAHHH"!

Whenever I see this,

I go fast and furious!
When I was like super hyper when I see these tiny baskets.
They really really really bring good memories of my childhood..
Only RM1.20!

But tell you the truth, that kid at the counter wasn't honest!
I gave RM5 for two of these biscuits.
And the cash machine thingy wrote "RM2.60" as the balance.
He didn't. And only pass RM2.50. Is that honest business?
Or I am just being so calculative?

I did not say anything but left that shop fast.
Though it was a bad experience, still, I am happy.

Yea. That's the face of the cookie. PIG.
It never changed. Young to old, that face remained the same..

Head off!

Another part of the body is gone.

I really like its tail. So curly and so ADORABLE!

Keep on going! We're getting to the best part!

That's the pig's tail, alright.. Hehehe.
A part that cannot be missed out!

Bring smiles back on my face.
Be it rainy or sunny day..
This little pig brightens up my day.

Whenever I see this biscuit, I will remember my Dad.
He has been always with me during my childhood days..
I cannot forget the time he came to school to carry our bags,
buy us food,
bring us to jalan-jalan in town,
buy us lanterns for Mooncake Festival,
help us with our projects (the best part!)
teach us to be kind to others

Those sweet moments with you, Dad, can never be erased..

It is really great that I am going to celebrate Dad's 50th birthday in KL!
(his previous birthday post)
I so can't wait to bring him walk around KL town.
I want to do what YOU has done for me, Dad.
Though you may not be anywhere near me during the up & down moments,
I will still remember you. And hoping that one day, we will be reunited..


love you, Dad!

Can't believe that I am out of topic! Gee!
But I can't seem to get away with the "daddy" topic whenever it comes to childhood memories.. Because I love him lots! LOADS, I tell you.

Okayy, so, I do wonder if you felt like how I felt seeing that biscuit alive!
Tell me.. Tell meeeee..

Got this for Yih Miin.
From a bakery shop in Chinatown. RM0.60. Is it worth it?
It looks really tiny and cute. Along with the other coconut biscuit.
Funny that he has not tried the coconut one. Tsk..
Because it is SUPER normal in Melaka. And he likes it, fyi.

Yih Miin, you are so going to get more of that soon!
Just you wait and see!

Oh! And we got this too. At the same place. RM6. Cheap, right?
Chinatown is where Chinese wants to go for food.
If anyone of you KNOW where else to get GOOD FOOD,

A Twist In My Story by Secondhand Serenade

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