It is going to be hard.
God never promised us a smooth journey without rocks and BUMPERS!
I know you hated bumpers so much because they ruined your car. But bumpers are there for some purposes. Whether you want to agree or not, they're there for a purpose.. :)
But as I have mentioned, God will change you. Because none of us is perfect. And He loves you. Definitely He wants you to be better! I have the hope and faith that YOU will be changed. I began to trust you fully when you allow yourself to be confronted by God's appointed leaders. I mean, come on, why would you even want to use up your precious time to meet the people whom you don't agree with? To talk about things you stand firm on while the leaders have better things to do?
That really impressed me.
And that's one of the advantage I discovered about having friends who are serving the same God! Wouldn't you agree more? They will rebuke us. They will scold us. They will discipline us. All for what? LOVE's sake. Or else, they wouldn't even WASTE a single second doing it. For if you don't love a person, you won't even bother to do anything with that person.. Aren't you glad now that you are in His family?
Things said about you to prove you wrong are just statements. Whether they are right or wrong, they've nothing to do with you now. It is not because I am not affected. And that you've to bear all the shame and fault. When God forgives us, He won't even remember what sins we have. That's a promise! So, God forgives you. For anything that you did wrongly, God knows. The people accept you. And will accept you despite the past you had.. And this don't mean I am putting the blame on you and proving that you are wrong. We're talking about YOU here so before we can change others, we must change ourselves.
And there's no open space to talk about others.
So, I am happy that you did what you did today. Really glad.
You allow others to know who you really are. I am satisfied. That I am not the only one who knows who is the real you. And, I am quite relieved because now, you have so many people you can turn to whenever you are upset or stressed out. I am happy that you are no longer lonely. Or alone. You have someone to tell dirty jokes with! Hahaha! But please lar, don't go over the limit.
There's no where else could give you friends who care for you like their own family.. And I always believe that! It is proven minutes ago. I am sure that God's love will continue to mold you and I in this house of God.
And I still wanna say this: I am still putting on hope in this. Whatever might happens, God will help us through. We just need to uphold ourselves to Him and allow His love to overflow us. His blessings to come into our lives so we're able to bless others too.. Blessings don't just stop at the leaders. From leaders to the members. From members to the visitors and spread to the outsiders. Can you imagine how much God wants to bless His people?
God is LOVE.

via justbesplendid
And HIS LOVE is Powerful.
Until you believe in that,
there's no way you could experience the Greatness of His Love.
So let's work on this! Alright?
God never promised us a smooth journey without rocks and BUMPERS!
I know you hated bumpers so much because they ruined your car. But bumpers are there for some purposes. Whether you want to agree or not, they're there for a purpose.. :)
But as I have mentioned, God will change you. Because none of us is perfect. And He loves you. Definitely He wants you to be better! I have the hope and faith that YOU will be changed. I began to trust you fully when you allow yourself to be confronted by God's appointed leaders. I mean, come on, why would you even want to use up your precious time to meet the people whom you don't agree with? To talk about things you stand firm on while the leaders have better things to do?
That really impressed me.
And that's one of the advantage I discovered about having friends who are serving the same God! Wouldn't you agree more? They will rebuke us. They will scold us. They will discipline us. All for what? LOVE's sake. Or else, they wouldn't even WASTE a single second doing it. For if you don't love a person, you won't even bother to do anything with that person.. Aren't you glad now that you are in His family?
Things said about you to prove you wrong are just statements. Whether they are right or wrong, they've nothing to do with you now. It is not because I am not affected. And that you've to bear all the shame and fault. When God forgives us, He won't even remember what sins we have. That's a promise! So, God forgives you. For anything that you did wrongly, God knows. The people accept you. And will accept you despite the past you had.. And this don't mean I am putting the blame on you and proving that you are wrong. We're talking about YOU here so before we can change others, we must change ourselves.
And there's no open space to talk about others.
So, I am happy that you did what you did today. Really glad.
You allow others to know who you really are. I am satisfied. That I am not the only one who knows who is the real you. And, I am quite relieved because now, you have so many people you can turn to whenever you are upset or stressed out. I am happy that you are no longer lonely. Or alone. You have someone to tell dirty jokes with! Hahaha! But please lar, don't go over the limit.
There's no where else could give you friends who care for you like their own family.. And I always believe that! It is proven minutes ago. I am sure that God's love will continue to mold you and I in this house of God.
And I still wanna say this: I am still putting on hope in this. Whatever might happens, God will help us through. We just need to uphold ourselves to Him and allow His love to overflow us. His blessings to come into our lives so we're able to bless others too.. Blessings don't just stop at the leaders. From leaders to the members. From members to the visitors and spread to the outsiders. Can you imagine how much God wants to bless His people?
God is LOVE.
via justbesplendid
And HIS LOVE is Powerful.
Until you believe in that,
there's no way you could experience the Greatness of His Love.
So let's work on this! Alright?
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