I did some photo editing 1 hour ago.
Why I am even doing so?
Because my mum's car couldn't start. Battery kaput (
So didn't go work. Whee~
I got this
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 in my pc for quite some time.
My oldest brother installed it. When I first opened it, my eyes went: @_@
I have no idea what is it all about.
When there is no internet connection last night, I opened the folder of Tutorials and listened to the man talking, giving guidelines about what is that and this..
Then, everything became simpler! Very simple.
And you just need few minutes to understand.
Here is how it looks like:
Click on it for bigger picture. You must see it!Beautiful isn't it?
Yea. Very complicated stuffs on both tabs. But,
trust me.
No worries!
Veeeery simple.
And I edited few of my personal pictures. I see wonders! Here is one example.

Okayyyyy. I didn't exaggerated about Lightroom's wonders.
It really do wonders.
One thing for sure is, check out the cheeks I have! How
rosy they are.
My beautiful hairrr...Do you think I have rosy cheeks in nature?
I edited them as what the creator did in the tutorial.
He added blush on the photo. And I did on mine. Kekeke. Nice right?
I hope you didn't expect rosy = red. I couldn't colour my cheeks RED!You can even do Teeth Whitening! Ha!
Aiyak! Forgot to do for Josehpnie! XONote on the skin smoothness *perasan*:
Before & After, no blemishes.
Well, just in case some of your eyes are trying to find flaws on my face. Heh.The
colours are awesome, don't you think so?
We can do
many things on the photos. Even make up...
In reality, we need to
paint our dear faces for
better looks. Tsk.
And I am not good at that..

For the
next edit, I want to do some blurring for background.
Anyone of you know how to do that?
Photoshop's Blur is
not strong enough :(

Oh! I just saw this:
via coralvintageLook at the ice. Looks like slices of apple.
♫ 忘了自己 by 言承旭