(Nov 17th) Cry Baby

When I cried in the library on Monday, my friend said that I'm a cry baby *in a nice way, of course!* I can't help it! We were talking about some stuffs and my head spinned, and kept thinking how bad I was... We weren't discussing about my weaknesses but whatever we said touched my "soft part" and I cried.

I couldn't help thinking that I AM!
Ever since when I was young, I cry when I get upset. I cry a lot. Do you think it's weird? I can't stop myself. But I didn't cry much as I grow up. Still, I do cry. Sometimes, crying can make people feel very bad, in a negative way.. Some people don't like to cry or hate to see people cry.

Is that just their decision or.. they just hate tears?

Now when Agnes SMS-ed me, I feel like crying again...
I hate all this moody thingy..


1 say(s):

sully86 said...

you are a girl so its ok . if it was a guy something wrong
