I went to Stephanie*'s house to have lunch with her and my other friend, Tiffany*. Tiffany* was very kind that she helped Stephanie* to clean her room because it was really messy. It's the beginning of the semester and Stephanie* did not able to clean it. She was back in her hometown. Then, I helped Tiffany* to clean the mess. Before that, I was reading the Budget 2010 for my next class. Then.. came WORDS-S-S-S-S that pained my ears..
Stephanie*'s roommate, Doreen* complained about her. Tiffany* was still stacking up the past semester's notes and exercises into empty boxes. Doreen* was saying how frustrated she was when Stephanie* locked the room door and went out. While Doreen* was in the bathroom. Both lives in the same room. And it made sense that we don't bring room keys to the bathroom. So, Doreen* was really angry when she talked about it. How Stephanie* locked her outside of the room a couple of times. Many times. At least twice. Stephanie* attitude really pissed her off. While Tiffany* was still doing the cleaning thingy, Doreen* said that she doesn't have to waste her time helping her to clean because in a while, the room will turn upside down again. Tiffany* did not comment anything, but she acknowledged everything the girl said.
As a friend who loves her much, I was very upset. Very upset. How could Doreen* say such things? I thought I heard good things about Doreen*... But it turned out that she badmouthed my very good friend. And she doesn't know how much her words hurt both of the listeners. I wasn't really into the conversation but I listen to every word that was spoken. Though Stephanie*'s attitude should be fixed, still, I love her lots! She's a very special sister and a friend. She always so kind to me and others. And I really feel sad when someone goes against her... At the back. It's not that she can't take any words of advice, but somehow, people rather choose to talk behind her backs and show dissatisfactions physically.
I believe that Stephanie* has a very hard time coping with these housemates. I don't know how to help her and thought of asking her to change to other house. But somehow, I felt that she may face the same problem all over again. Then, I asked Tiffany*, and she said, "She must change lor".. and it's true.
When we carry our weaknesses everywhere, we'll face the same problem we faced in the past time. I experienced it myself. And what Tiffany* said was SO TRUE! Very true! Unless we changed, we're going to face the same things all over again. Over and over again. How troublesome is that?!
There's some encouragement for all of you guys who are reading this.. And now, I am happy to tell the world that I know Stephanie* and I believe God will change her. Not fast. But gradually.

1 say(s):
well..i think if u're the one who got locked out by ur own room naked...u too will be pissed gua..
so jz let dorreen let her fruastration out a second....
(juz my thougths la, no offense ya)
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