I never talk so much and transperant to the core team.
But if it's for the good sake of the care group, I'm willing..
Anyway, there is only Pai Chet and Phillip..
I guess being open to 2-3 people is much more easier than 7 people ;P
And here is what we did last week...

We had fresh cabbage but since we were busy for few days, the cabbage looked dull.

Had 2 carrots dipped in water for a few hours. That was before prayer meeting.

He is a great "chopper". He chopped everything like spelling APPLE.

That was him, doing the work. Me? Busy taking pictures. Look at my board!

When all mixed together.

These was the earlier product. We did this before going for prayer meeting.

The result! Look at the beautiful colour. Very nice green..

Stir and stir. Left and right. Up and down.
He poured the sugar water. We needn't that.

Then, mix with the new batch of cabbage. Look at the difference.

Yum. After spoons of sugar added.

As a normal person who loves Coleslaw would put - Mayo.

Stir left and right again. If not enough, put somemore! Yum~
The finished product.

With Sun-Maid Raisins.

Just Grapes and Sunshine, Cabbage and Carrots, and Mayo..
Seriously, the coleslaw tasted so good! I had somemore in the fridge.
But after the first try, we felt we should kept the sugar water :(