(Apr 1st) The LURV

So Archielicious..

I think the clothes look good on me too! Ha..

Up close and.. not personal..

Melting? See this one!

Sushi Tay looks like that too.. Except that she's smaller ;P

Even the Mickeys and Goofy love him.. :D

And omg..

The greatest shot of David Archuleta..

Let us all be creative now. You shall see David Archuleta in this ad.

Hahaha.. ;P

ARCHIE is coming to Malaysia! Yippee!
But I am not going.

2nd last pic: Snarky Archies

1 say(s):

Unknown said...


after so much of his pic n admirations, i tot u're going to his concert or something..

sekali..nt going.. -.-"

