(Feb 12th) The Lovey-Dovey Day

It's back again and sadly, my whole care group don't want to have a special care group this week. Sobs. Why? I don't know. But all I know is that I'm very disappointed. It's such a special, special day. The whole care group was so sure that they don't need to celebrate it. Most of them are going back. Sigh. What can I do?

And, I got another reason for not celebrating it. Because he doesn't celebrates it.

Got this from Elaynne's blog:

• 1 Rose = Love at first sight; you are the one
• 2 Roses = Mutual love between both, deeply in love with one another
• 3 Roses = I love you
• 6 Roses = I want to be yours
• 7 Roses = I’m infatuated with you
• 9 Roses = An eternal love, together as long as we live
• 10 Roses = You are perfect
• 11 Roses = You are my treasured one; the one I love most in my life
• 12 Roses = Be my girlfriend

Wishing everyone a Happy Valentine's Day!
Have fun with your loved ones..

p.s: and I don't mean with your other half only.. ;)
