(Dec 16th) His Eternal Love

He gave me a family containing different people of races and blood,

Some are comical, some are serious, some are obedient, some are just loving...

But each of us went through different tests and trials,

Losing our strength as we go on, getting frustrated at every little matter,

Sometimes not knowing that others are watching every move we make,

Forgetting the purpose God has placed us on Earth...

Dear Holy Spirit, renew my strength and refresh my memory,

Remind me that every of my love ones need You,

Let them take the bread of life,

Let them to obey Your command to Love their neighbours as they Love themselves.

Allow them to taste the sweetness of Your Kindness and the glory of Your Name.

So bless me with wisdom and strength to tell the world that Jesus lives.
And they'll never walk alone,
or in the darkness... ever again.

Thank you, Daddy..

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