(April 25th) Minutes to Lunch

Just came out from the library few minutes ago, finishing off last week's chapter of Research Methodology. It was the 2nd time going there. And actually stayed there for at least an hour. Phew. Checking Friendster now and Yahoo! Mail.. Hotmail.. Facebook.. Blogger.com.. Meebo.. Google (the Images page didn't work).. some site contains images and stuffs..

ARGH! CLASS! Hate Friday's classes because they start late.

p.s: I'm the one to blame for the schedule T_____________T


An apartment of primary school girls (8-10 years old) in Uganda burnt down. It happened about 10pm when most of the students and teachers went to bed. The whole apartment! The girls tried to escape but 20+ of them died in the blazing hot scorching fire. Some of the girls tried to wake the others but it seems like an April Fool joke. One of the dorm's leaders who managed to escape went back inside the building to help her room mates. She went in again and again to help. Later on, no one saw her coming out. A body was found in a kneeling position. The people believed that she was praying, knowing there's no escape. Many believed that the previous headmaster is behind all this because the school staffs throw him out of the board.

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