(March 1st) Doink!

Here I am updating Facebook, checking Friendster as I am struggling to finish the registration form for the Hope Southern Region Family Cum Badminton Tournament #2... and drinking Coke out of Wendy's refrigerator.

Coke is bad for health
Badminton is good for health
Facebook is addictive
Friendster is colourful
Online till 2am, is absurd!!

3 say(s):

Nefarious said...

lol.!! you should try reading.. you fall right back to sleep. unless your insomniac.
are you on face book? =) add me!

Mme Tshiamo said...

OMG! you're on Facebook>? AWWWW some! let me add you ;)

pissu perera said...

facebook IS addictive!! very much so. i've managed to cut down on the time i spend on it lately though. sigh
