He gave me a family containing different people of races and blood,
Some are comical, some are serious, some are obedient, some are just loving...
But each of us went through different tests and trials,
Losing our strength as we go on, getting frustrated at every little matter,
Sometimes not knowing that others are watching every move we make,
Forgetting the purpose God has placed us on Earth...
Dear Holy Spirit, renew my strength and refresh my memory,
Remind me that every of my love ones need You,
Let them take the bread of life,
Let them to obey Your command to Love their neighbours as they Love themselves.
Allow them to taste the sweetness of Your Kindness and the glory of Your Name.
So bless me with wisdom and strength to tell the world that Jesus lives.
And they'll never walk alone,
or in the darkness... ever again.
Thank you, Daddy..
Now I'm alone.
I sit here waiting, watching, listening, laughing,
FEELING.. the splash of a tear who, somehow, found his way from outside to in;
SMILING.. thoughts of him linger in my mind; what he says and how he does the things he does;
WONDERING.. where he is and what he is thinking;
TALKING.. to myself and to whomever feels he should listen in;
DREAMING.. of a time when life was young;
DANCING.. in my heart, of course, happy as can be;
HOPING to end my search.. right here.
To D,
Many broken pieces
Shattered, now apart
What can I do to mend it?
To mend by broken heart?
I walk along the beach
Leaving footprints cold and bare
How can I enjoy the sunset,
When there’s no one here to share?
There used to be a pair,
Of footprints next to mine.
But they washed away with waves
And the shifting sands of time.
All I can do now,
Is remember how things were.
The good times, not the bad times,
Which caused my heart to stir.
To live to die,
What does it matter?
While I am in this state.
I didn’t know how much I loved,
Until it was too late.
Dear S,
The day that we first met,
in my mind I still see,
you sitting in the lunch room, looking for some company.
I alone myself, sat down with you that day,
neither of us knowing what the hell to say.
But we got through the awkward times, and quickly came to be,
the best of friends to eachother, we could ever be.
The closer we grew, the more we left, the other world behind,
just me and you we jumped into a new place totally blind.
We prayed together our friendship forever, and always would stay the same,
but time has passed, only memories last, and little friendship remains.
WE ONCE WERE ONE! I screamed at you, I want my best friend back!
But we both realized at once it was that bond we lacked.
You think it doesn't hurt me, to see us back to two,
looking to my left and right to see there is no you.
But we both are moving on now, lets do it gracefully,
I hope our friendship still lives on in you memory.
Before you complain about the taste of your food
` Think of someone who has nothing to eat.
Before you complain about your husband or wife
` Think of someone who's crying out to God for a companion.
Today before you complain about life
` Think of someone who went too early to heaven.
Before you complain about your children
` Think of someone who desires children but they're barren.
Before you argue about your dirty house, someone didn't clean or sweep
` Think of the people who are living in the streets.
Before whining about the distance you drive
` Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet.
And when you are tired and complain about your job
` Think of the unemployed, the disabled and those who wished they had your job.
But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another
` Remember that not one of us are without sin and we all answer to one maker.
And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down
` Put a smile on your face and thank God you're alive and still around.
This picture means YEY & AWESOME.
For more info, please click here.
p.s: Waiting for the Putrajaya Tour.
Today spells H-E-C-T-I-C
Waited for bus to go MMU. Bus came 30 minutes late.
Thank God Tuah bus arrived at JJ's bus stop within 10 minutes.
Went to Scholarship Admin and got really disappointed. They didn't call when they've received my PTPTN application form back. Very disappointing. Rushed to FBL for the letter. Met the Dean's Secretary, the Manager, and his Assistant.
Thank God, Miss Rusnida helped me. Everything about the application will be fine. Very soon. I got my timetable! Yey.
Went to lab to do some stuffs for Hope Malacca Christmas Fund Raising. But was so Excel-noob so didn't manage to help Jonathan. Was really confused about the format. If use Microsoft Word, then ok lar.
Thank God, he willing to do it despite the time he spent at my place to explain.
Phillip replied me quite late. And got to his place like 3+pm. Rushed to edit the invitation card for Freshies' Night. Was so frustrated because the browser suddenly got hang and the.. KEYBOARD! Need to press so hard. Sent the cards (3 similar designs but different font size and.. positions) but realized that the date on the card is wrong! Adobe Photoshop CS3 hang. Can't edit but have to redo the card all over again. Managed to do only one. And that would be the final one. Came to work one and the half hour late. Poor Lyndy. I am supposed to work at 5pm. But turned up at 6.40pm. Sad.
But.. thank God the downloads of the new fonts are fast. God gave me new ideas (emo one again) and Lyndy just smiled at me when I walked in LILIC. She has been waiting and waiting for me.. probably she'll kill me when she comes back from her break.
And I believe there's no such things as "Why I always so bad luck?" or "I am lucky always". There's no such things as luck :) But God wants us to praise Him when we face good things... and also when we face the bad things.
Sounds familiar? Watch Facing The Giants.
Here I am now, sitting on the stool facing LILIC's pc. No customer. Ella is talking to a guy. Wendy went back. Oh, before I forget, thanks to Wendy who actually brought me to work from Phillip's place. I was like SUPER LATE. I was "worrying" in Phillip's place when all of sudden she callled. God sent me an angel.
Can't wait for the Local Student Unit Retreat. Where? In my beloved HOPE PLACE!
Thank God Tuah bus arrived at JJ's bus stop within 10 minutes.
Went to Scholarship Admin and got really disappointed. They didn't call when they've received my PTPTN application form back. Very disappointing. Rushed to FBL for the letter. Met the Dean's Secretary, the Manager, and his Assistant.
Thank God, Miss Rusnida helped me. Everything about the application will be fine. Very soon. I got my timetable! Yey.
Went to lab to do some stuffs for Hope Malacca Christmas Fund Raising. But was so Excel-noob so didn't manage to help Jonathan. Was really confused about the format. If use Microsoft Word, then ok lar.
Thank God, he willing to do it despite the time he spent at my place to explain.
Phillip replied me quite late. And got to his place like 3+pm. Rushed to edit the invitation card for Freshies' Night. Was so frustrated because the browser suddenly got hang and the.. KEYBOARD! Need to press so hard. Sent the cards (3 similar designs but different font size and.. positions) but realized that the date on the card is wrong! Adobe Photoshop CS3 hang. Can't edit but have to redo the card all over again. Managed to do only one. And that would be the final one. Came to work one and the half hour late. Poor Lyndy. I am supposed to work at 5pm. But turned up at 6.40pm. Sad.
But.. thank God the downloads of the new fonts are fast. God gave me new ideas (emo one again) and Lyndy just smiled at me when I walked in LILIC. She has been waiting and waiting for me.. probably she'll kill me when she comes back from her break.
And I believe there's no such things as "Why I always so bad luck?" or "I am lucky always". There's no such things as luck :) But God wants us to praise Him when we face good things... and also when we face the bad things.
Sounds familiar? Watch Facing The Giants.
Here I am now, sitting on the stool facing LILIC's pc. No customer. Ella is talking to a guy. Wendy went back. Oh, before I forget, thanks to Wendy who actually brought me to work from Phillip's place. I was like SUPER LATE. I was "worrying" in Phillip's place when all of sudden she callled. God sent me an angel.
Can't wait for the Local Student Unit Retreat. Where? In my beloved HOPE PLACE!
It's surely a fun time for my cousin, Rebecca. Because it's another wedding in KL which also means, another day of "a dress for wedding" shopping! It is amazing that within a week, she has attended 2 weddings and will attend one more today! She just bought a new dress from Lilic. Er, that actually happening to my sister too. Those weddings are my cousins' but I didn't go. One unexceptable reason - I don't want to leave Malacca without my lovely Hope brothers and sisters tagging along. Haha!
Half truth, half lie.
Today, it's the official day of my 2nd Semester in MMU. The university is like so old. The environment and atmosphere. Tsk. I used to be so proud studying there but too much 'politics' till they bore me. God keeps me going and surprisingly, I never know studying can be such fun! I used to hate studying but now, I feel excited! I passed my previous semester. Haven't get to know the CGPA yet.
Thank God for all He has done!
Just few minutes ago, I was thinking about him. 2 weeks more to go. I can't wait! Should I follow them to the airport? I missed having roti canai with Lemo and Richard! Really miss those times. Just 2 weeks!
Booking them for supper!!
Freshies' Night is coming up! Backdrop not yet do. Invitation cards not yet print. Evangelism not yet start. Too much fun work to do! Malaysian National Convention is also coming up (Dec 4th-7th). Can't wait to see the dance David Jr going to perform ;)Gonna have Putrajaya Tour which is only available for SINGLES.
My God.
Half truth, half lie.
Today, it's the official day of my 2nd Semester in MMU. The university is like so old. The environment and atmosphere. Tsk. I used to be so proud studying there but too much 'politics' till they bore me. God keeps me going and surprisingly, I never know studying can be such fun! I used to hate studying but now, I feel excited! I passed my previous semester. Haven't get to know the CGPA yet.
Thank God for all He has done!
Just few minutes ago, I was thinking about him. 2 weeks more to go. I can't wait! Should I follow them to the airport? I missed having roti canai with Lemo and Richard! Really miss those times. Just 2 weeks!
Booking them for supper!!
Freshies' Night is coming up! Backdrop not yet do. Invitation cards not yet print. Evangelism not yet start. Too much fun work to do! Malaysian National Convention is also coming up (Dec 4th-7th). Can't wait to see the dance David Jr going to perform ;)Gonna have Putrajaya Tour which is only available for SINGLES.
My God.
Got a new part time job as cashier in Parkson, Melaka Mall. Went with Safuraa and we both got the job ;) Started working last week (28/10) and didn't get trained on the first day. Only started real training on the 4th day by Kak Najwa. Felt a bit afraid when I take the money from the customers. Even when I wanted to take out the balance from the cashier. Have to pay money if short. I always feel nervous but now, I am ok. Kak Najwa asked if I want to start having the bag (which contains the money). That was fast but I guess I'll take the offer!
Went to Gunung Lambak for Hope Malacca's 5th Church Camp. Did decoration and the growing leaf fell on the last day. Climbed the mountain. Very tiring! Leg ached at night but healed on the next day. Food was great. We had Talent Night. My group's name is Puru-Puru-Puruu. Our drama was wicked! Got 2nd place. Lost to Nescafe ;D on Sunday night, went to Phillip's room and played cards till 3am! The Local Student Ministry was there laughing and crazy-ing. Woke up late the next day and missed Exercise. After the camp ended, we went to the Organical Farm and I saw flowers called Star of Bethleham. They're very white and pretty! Ate Dragon Fruit ice cream. Yuck.
Bro Aaron composed a song called Together for our church's target. Great song! Bro David was suggesting during the preaching and on the day itself, we sang it. Wow.
Got a new part time job as cashier in Parkson, Melaka Mall. Went with Safuraa and we both got the job ;) Started working last week (28/10) and didn't get trained on the first day. Only started real training on the 4th day by Kak Najwa. Felt a bit afraid when I take the money from the customers. Even when I wanted to take out the balance from the cashier. Have to pay money if short. I always feel nervous but now, I am ok. Kak Najwa asked if I want to start having the bag (which contains the money). That was fast but I guess I'll take the offer!
Went to Gunung Lambak for Hope Malacca's 5th Church Camp. Did decoration and the growing leaf fell on the last day. Climbed the mountain. Very tiring! Leg ached at night but healed on the next day. Food was great. We had Talent Night. My group's name is Puru-Puru-Puruu. Our drama was wicked! Got 2nd place. Lost to Nescafe ;D on Sunday night, went to Phillip's room and played cards till 3am! The Local Student Ministry was there laughing and crazy-ing. Woke up late the next day and missed Exercise. After the camp ended, we went to the Organical Farm and I saw flowers called Star of Bethleham. They're very white and pretty! Ate Dragon Fruit ice cream. Yuck.
Bro Aaron composed a song called Together for our church's target. Great song! Bro David was suggesting during the preaching and on the day itself, we sang it. Wow.
Didn't attend cousin Tammy's wedding dinner and wedding :( Got work. I don't dare to ask for leave because I just started working. Each time I go to work, I want to give a good impression of myself. It was kind of sad I couldn't attend the wedding, but on the positive side, I can't afford to buy a white dress.
Had a talk with shepherd and everything is ok. Been faithful in reading God's Love Letter and His Words touched my heart. Again, I need to learn to be mature. No, I mean, I should be mature in my thoughts. May God guide my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. GROW UP, Fiona!
Miss 3200 died.
Had a hair cut.
Had a hair cut.
You got out of a bad relationship because it was bad,
but you are still resentful and angry.
(you let the devil leave his bags)
You got out of financial debt,
but you still can't control the desire to spend on frivolous things.
(you let the devil leave his bags)
You got out of a bad habit or addiction,
but you still long to try it just one more time.
(you let the devil leave his bags)
You said, I forgive you,
but you can't seem to forget and have peace with that person.
(you let the devil leave his bags)
You told your unequally yoked mate that it was over,
but you still continue to call.
(you let the devil leave his bags)
You got out of that horribly oppressive job,
but you are still trying to sabotage the company after you've left.
(you let the devil leave his bags)
You cut off the affair with that married man/woman,
but you still lust after him/her.
(you let the devil leave his bags)
You broke off your relationship with that hurtful, abusive person,
but you are suspicious and distrusting of every new person you meet.
(you let the devil leave his bags)
You decided to let go of the past hurts from growing up in an unstable environment,
yet you believe you are unworthy of love from others and you refuse to get attached to anyone.
(you let the devil leave his bags)
When you put the devil out, please make sure he takes his bags!
In The Remainder of 2008, Let the devil Take his bags with him!
-------------------- **--------------------
Another tag by dearest Yi Shiuan.
What is the relationship of you and her/him?
` Something sweet.
Your 5 impressions towards her/him?
` Shy, leader, funny, charming, sweet
The most memorable things she/he had done for you.
` None
The most memorable things she/he have said to you.
` "miss you"
If she/he become your lover, you will..
` say "Yey."
If she/he become your enemy, you will...
` say "Bad."
If she/he become your lover, she/he has to improve on..
` the caring side.
If she/he become your enemy, the reason is...
` I am the reason.
The most desirable thing to do on her/him is?
` on? I don't know.. :/
The overall impression of her/him is..
` Great guy!
How do you think the people around you feel about you?
` Normal.
The character of you for yourself is?
` Timid.
What do you hate about yourself?
` Attitude problem.
The most ideal person you want to be is?
` Ideal? Jesus lar!
For the people who care about you and like you, say something to them.
` "Thanks."
5 people to tag
- Sharon
- Jameson
- David Harbor
- Wee Ping
- Nicole
Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
` No idea.
No. 3 a male or a female?
` Male
If no. 1 and no. 4 were together, would it be a good thing?
` They'll be great friends!
How about no. 5 and 2?
` Definitely shopping mates! Good thing!
What is no. 1 studying about?
` Law
Is no. 4 single?
` Guess so *nudge nudge*
Say something about no. 3.
` He's a great bro-in-Christ!
[01] Name: Fiona Tay.
[02] Nickname: Finyx, Tshiamo.
[03] Married: No.
[04] Zodiac Sign: Aries.
[05] Gender: Female.
[06] Age: 22.
[07] High School: SMK IJC, Malacca.
[08] College: Multimedia University Melaka.
[09] Height: 157cm.
[10] Weight: 60 kg.
[11] Do you like yourself: Yes! Love His creation.
[12] Piercings: Yes.
[13] Right or left: Right handed.
[14] Are you a freak : Some people thinks I'm weird. Is that considered as "freak"?.
[15] Hair: Black.
[16] Skin: Fair.
[17] Allergic: None.
[18] What are you doing now: Answering this lar.
[19] What will you do 1 hour later: Study LABOR ECONOMICS. Sobs.
[20] What will you do 10 years later: Planted a Hope Church ;)
[21] Live with mother/father/parents: Parents.
[22] Siblings(included you): Four.
[23] Eldest: My sis.
[24] Youngest: Fabien!
[25] Love/hate your family: L.O.V.E
[26] You found your another half: Don't know who.
[27] If yes, who is he/she: -
[28] If no, who you want he/she to be: -
[29] Time(s) you in relationship: 4.
[30] Ever woo boy/girl(0-100000): Woo?
[31] Anyone woo you before(0-100000): Still don't know what's "woo".
[32] Did anything wrong to your other half: Did.
[33] What was/were the wrong you had done: Don't have to know.
[34] Ever argue with your other half: Of course lar.
[35] You with your other half since: Not with anyone now.
[36] Are you straight/Lesbo: Straight.
[37] Reasons you love your other half: Man!
[38] You and your other half in which stage: This tickles me.
[39] You woo he/she or he/she woo you: -
[40] Ever think of marry he/she: YES to whoever God gives me.
[41] Your first best friend: Jameson Wong.
[42] Your first enemy: Kids when we were younger.
[43] The friend you love the most: Hope Malacca peeps.
[44] The enemy you hate the most(1only): None.
[45] Your most beautiful girl friend: Pai Chet.
[46] Your most handsome guy friend: Jonathan (hahaha!)
[47] The kind of girl you hate the most: None.
[48] The kind of boy you hate the most: None.
[49] You fall in love with your close friend before: Yes.
[50] Your best friend is your ex-lover: Never!
[51] If your friend backstabbing you: Then?
[52] If your friend betray you: Don't mind.
[53] If your friend woo your lover: Means he's not mine.
[54] If your friend fall in love with you: If I'm his, then I'm his.
[55] If you fall in love with your best friend: I love my best friend up to a limit.
[56] Are you a good student: I guess.
[57] You always done your homeworks/assignments: Last minute.
[58] The teacher/tutor you love the most: Kind lecturers.
[59] Always late to school/college: Sometimes ;D
[60] Your class: Nothing special.
[61] You love your seniors: Some of them but most are my juniors!
[62] Senior who you love the most: Don't know.
[63] Your classmates good/bad: Good, bad.
[64] Excellent result classmate: Got.
[65] Laziest classmate: I think each one of us is lazy, sometimes.
[66] Smart people: CGPA 5.0
[67] Stupid people: Talks crap and foolish things.
[68] Good looking people: Guys and Girls.
[69] Ugly people: None.
[70] Funny people: Makes me laugh. Ahh, there's one in church :)
[71] Cute people: Him.
[72] Bad people: Judas.
[73] Honest people: God.
[74] Acting people: Human beings.
[75] You are what kind of people: God's people.
[76] Lip or eyes: Eyes.
[77] Hugs or kisses: Hugs.
[78] Shorter or taller: Taller.
[79] Hesitant or spontaneous: Eh? About what?
[80] Nice stomach or nice arms: Not interested.
[81] Listener or talker: Listener & talker.
[82] Romantic or rich: Romantic
[83] Good husband or Good Father: I'd rather live with a good father.
[84] Age to get marry: 30 or before.
[85] Numbers of kid(s): 2.
[86] Career: Church Planter.
[87] Salary: Any amount.
[88] Retirement age: Till I breathe my last breath.
[89] Properties value: Any.
[90] Wishes: None because I've faith on things that He promised!
--------------- * ---------------
I miss God.

Ok or NOT Ok?
The Purpose:
The tshirts are not on sale, yet, but hopefully will once my leaders approved the designs. Those shirts are for our Hope's 13th Malaysian National Convention (MNC) in Putrajaya this December. We are given 2 booths so we want to fully use the facility.
The Name:
I've been using "The Butterfly Effect" story in my presentations in Organizational Behaviour classes. It has a very strong msg and I believe it'll influence many people to think differently :) The "love, joy, peace" are fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Gal 5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.."
Any ideas from you guys on what to sell to the Christians there? :)
& The excitement with Hope of God Malacca!
It was my first time watching the futsal match between Hope Malacca and Hope JB. I was so excited that I almost use up the video cam's batt just for the first few hours. Thank God for Gofaone who stopped me. Even with the digital camera. Tsk tsk. Overall, the match was pretty awesome (that's my everyday line) and I felt very happy. Abel worn out after the 2 breaks and poor him, he has to play till the end because there is no one else who can replace him. I believed that this time, the match is a draw. Both teams did very well. I video taped it and got very excited. Haha.
Richard was in the court all the time because he's the goalkeeper. He was good!
Lecture was the striker and... yea, he's there for the entire match.
Abel too.
TC and Aaron went in and out for rest between breaks.
Gofaone, Jonathan, and Tido too.
Richard was in the court all the time because he's the goalkeeper. He was good!
Lecture was the striker and... yea, he's there for the entire match.
Abel too.
TC and Aaron went in and out for rest between breaks.
Gofaone, Jonathan, and Tido too.
top: Jonathan, Richard, Gofaone, bro Aaron
down: TC, Tido, Abel, Lecture
2) MoonCake Care Group @ Riveria Bay, Pantai Klebang
We started late. Very late. And surprisingly, we saw Cherry and Chimezie were already waiting at the entrance of the resort. We went in and played the first game. It was hilarious. It is Hide & Seek. Me along with Jonathan and Sin Lu went to hide in the bushes at the main entrance, thinking that no one would find us. But unfortunately for a visitor who hid near us has been caught. He quickly stood up and covered for his friend who was right beside him! It was amazing how come the guy can't see the friend right over there. My group, which is group 2 lost. Phillip decided that we sing as we walk along the beach and even to the people sitting nearby! It was quite embarrassing for Jonathan who played the guitar. All's well.
Refreshment time and Lantern time was awesome. Took pics but not all pics are uploaded. Sorry lar ;) Was satisfied although I only have a picture of myself with Eunice.. that's in my pc :)
Refreshment time and Lantern time was awesome. Took pics but not all pics are uploaded. Sorry lar ;) Was satisfied although I only have a picture of myself with Eunice.. that's in my pc :)
The Satisfaction of a Christian Girl
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