(Dec 19th) Bus Service?

Don't you think that the bus conductor should have shillings in their bag?

The fare range in between RM0.20 and RM2.00. They had the tickets with them. But why didn't they have the understanding that some of the people might not have any small change? Eventhough we also should have small change, still, the bus conductor should have them. That's the first priority. This morning I wanted to go to JJ from my place. It's RM0.80. I only got a dollar note. I don't have any small change. The man said, "Ada duit kecik? Saya tak ada. Sudah abis. Kalau bagi RM1, I tak bagi balik tukar. Jangan marah ya?" Well, who won't get angry? They got most of the people's extra money.

Translation: Got small change? I don't have. Finish already. If give RM1, I won't give you any change. Don't angry."

By the way, this conductor really pissed me off last time. He was rude! He probably was rude to everyone who sat in that bus. What was he thinking? When the bus was filled with people, he could even move so slow to collect. I sat in another bus before and the other conductor could do better! And faster. He don't look he's new. He's old! If someone is new, he or she wouldn't be so rude! GRR. I tried to calm myself when he told me that he has no change. And the driver! I wanna dig his eyes out! He kept looking at me each time I went in the bus. Including at the mirror image. GRR.

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