I could never imagine myself selling stuffs without being persuasive again. I am so weak in that area. I couldn't help myself from shying away from the people around me. I just could just promote about stuffs but not persuading them to buy. It is really sad isn't it? Anyway, I was talking about the business that me and my group had been doing. This business thingy is for the Cyberpreneurship subject. All MMU undergraduates are compulsory to register for this subject. This is a short semester so we only did it for 3 days. My group planned to sell t-shirts. The former 2 members thought of the idea and even made up a name, EP-COT.

I've been asking what it means but no one has any idea... I was asked to design but I've no idea. Their mate helped out. There are 2 designs: Our Stories and NO Book For Today.

This is the sample of Our Stories in 2 colours: Black and White. For the first day, Our Stories almost sold out. All we did on the second and third were taking orders from those who really want them and also sell out the remaining sizes. I never thought this business is really good! And so the craziness began...

Let me give you a test. Guess what are these 2 stalls are selling...

That's right...

Dunkin Donuts
they're right behind each other.


When there are such great events, you'll never miss out some even more important stuff... that is BEST FRIENDS.

Safuraa & HareshWhen I bumped into them, old memories flashed back. I feel joy.
Both of us went to the same school since primary. We even sat in the same school bus. We had never let our hearts away from each other. She's a friend whom willing to help out whenever she could. Although she may face many problems in her life, her cheerful spirit would never leave her. Some times she could be very pissed off with certain people but her kind heart always forgives them. She'd never hold any bad things inside of her for too long. If you see her in a bad mood now, you could see her smiles again in the next minute.
The fengshui man as what I called him or Uncle. He told me that he has a mix of British blood with Japanese blood and some Chinese blood. His family tree's a bit confusing. Haha! We used to be in the same orientation group, G12. We have a few buddies whom we hung out with. There are Ann @ Asilem, Nikki @ Antibiotic and Sujeen @ Grandpa. Those were the days when we could talk about almost everything. We even fought with one another. The biggest conflict happened between Ann and Sujeen. Ah, always happened every year. There are a lot of fond memories between me, Haresh, Ann, and Sujeen. I could never forget them. Just say their names and my heart will melt. I couldn't forget every kind deed they've done for me. The care and love from this guy are never forgotten.