Honestly, I can't wait to go back to MMU. I missed the people there. I missed sitting in the huge lecture hall and listened to the lectures. Boring or not, I really like the rooms. Although I get cold most of the times, but I enjoyed being there. I also missed the times when I bumped into my mates. We won't just stop to say Hi and Bye, but we will start to chat and who knows, we'll end up sitting in one of the mamak nearby. And then I will follow them to their rooms and continue chatting. Nah, just joking. I also missed some of the lecturers and tutors. Although I used to skip classes and never did my homework, I still love meeting them (I think they hate me... but who cares?)
Come to think about my past years in MMU, I can't believe that I am still not mature enough to handle the fees. Sigh. I didn't calculate the amount that I should use per semester. I thought that the PTPTN would give the exact amount to us to pay for the fees. But I was wrong. Always wrong. Sigh. I can't handle these kinda of things. I hate it when it comes to manage my financial matter. There isn't anything I can do. And when I paid the last fees today, the banker told me that I could do my payment online, so that I don't have to wait in line for a very long, long time. Well, I don't know about it. It seems that that man is angry with me or something. The tone he was using... made me embarrassed. Ok lar, so the bank had invested many, many RM in those internet banking. So what? What if they ended up like Maybank2U? What if everyone has to wait for a few months before their payment is approved? Wow! I can't take the risk.
Somewhere somehow, I lost contact with my school mates! Why is that? I have their numbers and friendster and MSN. But they never seemed to bother me at all. So sad. Is there anything I did wrong to them? Well, I do believe that I did wrong to some people but... the others just don't seem to care about me. Haiya! Anyway, I still am happy with the people around me. Old friends or not, they're my bestest mates! They're from Hope of God church! I love them to bits! It doesn't matter where they came from... Botswana, Nigeria, Nepal, Zimbabwe etc etc.. they are lovely people. They are very sincere and they're just nice! I don't know why I noticed that some local people out there like to talk when some foreigners walked pass them. Is there anything special?
I got to stop now! Got to finish the things for Family Cum Badminton Tournament!
1 say(s):
Hold Tight my Dear:
"Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses." (1 Timothy 6:12)
I checked the following story on snopes.com but it wasn't listed, so I can't confirm it either way. At any rate it makes an excellent parable.
According to the story: "On a commuter flight from Portland, Maine, to Boston in 1987, the pilot heard an unusual noise near the rear of the plane. Henry Dempsey turned the controls over to the co-pilot and went back to check it out. As he reached the tail section, the plane hit an air pocket, and Dempsey was tossed against the rear door. He quickly discovered the source of the mysterious noise. The rear door had been improperly latched prior to take-off, and it flew open. Dempsey was instantly sucked out of the tiny jet.
"The co-pilot saw the red light that indicated an open door. He radioed the nearest airport requesting permission for an emergency landing. He reported that the pilot had fallen out of the plane and wanted a helicopter to search the area. After the plane landed, the ground crew found Dempsey holding on to the outdoor ladder of the aircraft. Somehow he had caught the ladder and held on for ten minutes as the plane flew 200 mph at an altitude of 4,000 feet, and then, when landing, he kept his head from hitting the runway, which was only 12 inches away. "
In today's pressured world it is very easy to be "sucked into" all sorts of temptations—which, if we give in to them, could easily destroy us. So we need to hold on tenaciously to eternal values and the eternal life that God has given to all who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
@.@ "Dear God, please give me and my dear friend at here, the strength and courage to hold on to you, to our faith, and to eternal values no matter what trials and temptations may come in our way. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully in Jesus' name, Amen."
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