I was given some responsibilities to complete tasks in Hope of God.
Praise God for all these.
I have always wanted to lead something in church (although I know that my leadership is not very, very good but what's impossible with God?)
Praise God for all these.
I have always wanted to lead something in church (although I know that my leadership is not very, very good but what's impossible with God?)
First, I was appointed to take care of the bulletin board in church. That's not an easy work. Bro Bing Yi (who will be assisting me) and I have to decide how we put stuffs on the board that was already decorated months ago. But few days ago, God had spoken to me about it. He gave me some creative ideas on what to put on the board. I was very excited about the idea. And I'd start immediately.
Second, bro Bing Yi (who is my Art-partner) and I will be sitting down together to brainstorm about the upcoming Christmas event's decorations. Whose idea was it? The whole leadership team, of course. They knew that I am good in decorating bookmarks and Bing Yi in drawing, so they assumed that both of us are able to decorate the whole church but isn't that great? Bing Yi is a wacky Benjamite. I know we'll get along well as a team.
Third, as one of the Impact Ministry member, I was given a few tasks for the next Hope Malacca event "Family Cum Badminton Tournament '07". I'd to print out registration forms, create a poster, cut out cards for the marks, and also take pictures for the event. More art-y tasks for me! Wheee! I can't stop blushing when Sis Pai Chet kept praising me for my skill in photographing in front of Lemo and Richard. But honestly, I don't have any skill lar.
Before these...
As you can see that I am a very, very slothful girl. When I am given things to do, I'd not do my parts properly. I'll end up asking someone else to do them. For the last few semesters, I couldn't perform my duties in my groups correctly. My brains got 'rusty' and it couldn't go faster. I used to be so, so lazy to do house chores. When I am free for the day, I'd end up sitting right in front of my pc and do something. Just clicking and viewing some documents. Listening to my favourite music; just pretending that I am busy.
My pride caused a girl stopped coming to church. She was my sheep, Sis Wei Lin. I was happy at first to have a sheep. It shows that I am ready to be a shepherd. I always sit beside her and protect her if bro Paul comes to bully her. Sis Su Han was supposed to be the shepherd but she went to Korea, so I was given the job. Sis Shin Jie asked me to prepare myself to do shepherding but I didn't. Because I was not thoughtful. I never take the time to understand her. I didn't see how the future would be for her if she did not get any special care at all. As time passes by, I don't pay much attention to her. I wasn't a strong Christian yet. I always fall. That's why I couldn't take care of her. I couldn't even take care of myself.
It was also because of our language barrier. She speaks Chinese very fluently but I couldn't. She doesn't really understand English well. I am ready to learn but I have the fear speaking to Chinese educated people. I am afraid they'd tease me or give me queer looks. She stopped talking and meeting with the Benjamites. We tried calling her out for lunch or dinner but she wouldn't talk to us. She'd always hang up our call after talking for a while. Because of me, we lost a sister to the world.
The guilt in me got so heavy and I cried each time I thought of it. God had commanded us to take care of His sheep for Him. During prayer, I would ask God to bless me with a compassion heart for the lost souls. I don't want to replicate that mistake.
I wanted to fulfil the vision of Hope of God, which is "to build strong and biblical people to plant strong and biblical churches in Malacca, Malaysia, and all over the world". I like the vision. I want to capture the vision. I want to be the key man of a city. I want to share the good news. I want others to know how much God loves them and how much Jesus wants them to be saved. I want to persevere, as long as Jesus is with me. I want to build a church building - at least one in my lifetime. I used to be directionless but now, I know where I want to head.
I can see that He's teaching me to handle my tasks properly with responsibilities, guiding my heart so I won't get tempted easily, and also blessing me with Wisdom to manage my finance.
And I get all these by just 
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